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I think one of the great things about The Elder Scrolls is that each race can be their own game.

Same with World of Warcraft, each race is very different, distinct and has a unique take on classic fantasy races.

I feel like when it come to this game’s architecture and playable races they come off as generic.

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over 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBlunderguff

I think the human characters looks too much like ESO's models, which is something I have complained about in a long time. The models are slim and generic which just gives an uncanny look.

However.. It does look like Intrepid is going heavy on the fantasy with the other races, which I think is very much in the majorities interest. See the dwarves that have become bulky and the orcs which also looks like they will have the classic fantasy look to them.

With that in mind, I will remain positive. I have hopes that they can make the human races look a bit more fantasy-esque or distinct still.

Some of this might be due to the fact that you're seeing preset characters so far - rather than the full range of what's possible with character creation!

Hopefully once you all get your hands on the tools available to you in the character creator, you'll feel like you can make a more "distinct" human character as well <3