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Disclaimer: I know Intrepid is busy, that they moved studio recently and that they "just" completed the Alpha 1. I also know Creative Director letter isn't that important, But...

The Creative Director letter have missed its deadline two quarters in a row. We actually still miss the letter from the second quarter.

This would never have bothered me if we were informed about it, or if Intrepid acknowledged that they had been missed.

I don't complain about missing a deadline. I am complaining about failing to inform that a deadline is gonna be missed.

This isn't a big deal, but for me, it is a bad sign that Intrepid is unable to deliver on self-imposed deadlines and that it isn't even acknowledged when they are not met.

Plenty of things are being written in the News channel on Discord, so I fail to see how it would have been a hassle to put a single line saying that the Creative Director letter is cancelled, postponed or just not a priority at the moment.

Sorry for the rant.

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over 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Hi there!

We will put out another Creative Director's Letters when we are ready to provide further and new information.

Hold tight as we are currently focused on post-Alpha One planning and development, and our annual internal reviews - once we're ready, we'll have a whole bunch of things to share with you all! =)

We appreciate your patience. <3