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Hello Glorious Ashes Dev Team and Ashes Community, I recognize that Linux support as been spoken on a few times in the past, but if I and other's like me don't push for it, I fear it may be lost to time and the black hole of statistics I don't believe accurately reflect the number of individuals that would utilize it. With the adoption of Unreal Engine 5 I wonder if now is the time to ask for a definitive answer from Steven on the topic of Linux support. Either directly via Native Support (Please for the Love of God Steven I can't keep playing Ancient MMO's like WURM.) or via the use of Proton Compatibility Layer. Now I know there are some out there who will say "But Roman, don't you need to install Steam in order to use Proton?" Well, as for Proton, you do not need Steam to utilize it, it is open source and stand-alone. With all of that said, I wonder if those more knowledgeable than I could elaborate if due to the transition to UE5 it may actually be the time to look heavily into supporting Linux Natively. If any Devs read this, could the challenges of developing for Linux as well be elaborated on? And for those in the community reading, if you are a Linux user that needs a new MMO to play and doesn't want to go back to Windows to play one, or a Windows user trying desperately to escape Windows and MAC hegemony, respond to this post to show support!
about 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Others have done a good job of answering this, but I'll also just make a statement here for you as well! We are always looking at the latest technology to see what would make sense for our team to implement! That's how we ended up converting to UE5, after all! :) However, our plan is to support just Windows at this moment. That is unlikely to change from now to release. Steven and Margaret talked about this during the December Development Livestream which you can find timestamped here :) I hope this helps ^_^