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My idea today revolves around "bounty hunters and governments" how can a specific play style affect how the world sees you and how you see the world, now bear with me AoC might already have an idea regarding this, but hear me out.

Lets talk about "the cream of the crop", best of the best when it comes to bounty hunters, I'm talking 85% success rate in their bounty hunts, perhaps the top 10 bounty hunters in every server, when you have such success as a bounty hunter that means your a very skilled pvper, which will not be easily attainable.

How should something like that be rewarded? just a random name drop on a list that organizes bounty hunters...nah, not good enough. Lets say those top 10 bounty hunters have their citizenship to their respective military nodes, I think the residing government (mayor,etc) should be able to give some kind of discount or reward to these bounty hunters, think about it, why not? all they do is clear that zone of injustice and bring law and order to light by removing corruption off the feasible streets of their city, wouldn't a mayor want to reward that and support it so in return perhaps in the next voting period they might get re-elected? dance of politics I say, which could add content to the game.

However that's not what is important here, what is important are those bounty hunters, they need a reward from their respective nodes government like a cape or crown that will distinguish them among the populace so people know that just isn't a bounty hunter, that is one of the top bounty hunters in the server, maybe a discount to player housing in their respective nodes as well? 2 things will cross the mind of the average player when they see said cape or crown
1. I don't want to cross pass with that guy in a pvp fight
2. I don't want any corruption

Now in return to such rewards placed upon those bounty hunters, whenever the node that is affiliated with said bounty hunter is in a siege or war, those bounty hunters have to stop whatever they are doing even if it is bounty hunting, and they have to answer the call to defend their "government" and their Node in battle. If I was a mayor I would want the bounty hunters affiliated with me on my side in a PVP fight and if I was the bounty hunter I would want to defend my Government (Node/City) to gain popularity, Honor and Merit. I think this could create content in the game, it could add politics, dance of dragons as they say.

The only con to this I see is if the the top 10 bounty hunters have their citizenship to maybe 2 or 3 nodes, so the other military nodes cant have em because they don't have their citizenship there so they are not affiliated with them but that to me is like anything else in life, you can't have everything.

Thoughts please guys this could be added to the game and it can be a Fortuitous mechanic if done correct that can add Dance of politics, it can add another whole meaning of wanting to be a bounty hunter and it is very do able since we are only talking top 10 bounty hunters or even less.
Thank you, Omightis
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya! We've talked a bit before on some of our previous live streams and the like about how organizations within a node (such as the bounty hunter system) will have a progression path that you can take to both increase your abilities and potentially unlock some additional in-node benefits: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Bounty_hunters

While those benefits could serve a practical purpose, there's always something to be said for the ability to "show off" your achievements as well in a physical sense - so I like reading more when folks share ideas for what that might look like in the context of certain systems! :smiley: