Original Post — Direct link
Hey guys!
We all know Bear Mac is going to do an amazing job on the score for Ashes but until we hear his genius I have been playing with some music concepts over on Twitch.
I'm particularly interested in what the different races may sound like so I've kicked off by writing some music for a Py'rai character creation screen.
If you'd like to come and nerd out with me over Py'rai instruments/sounds I'd love to have you there.
Here's a link to where I'm at with the track so far:

Up next I'm thinking DWARVES!!! And I have all of the drums. ALL OF THEM
Thanks guys, stay safe.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Ooooh I love the collaboration going on here already! Our team also loved the Dünir tune you put together, and we can't wait to hear what you come up with next <3