almost 4 years ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

This decision was weighing heavily on me this morning. I hate having to delay to July, but had to make this call. Hope everyone understands. I will be around reddit to answer questions.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by PAlove

Do you think Blizzard did their thing with TBC because they consider AoC a serious competitor, or do you think that theory is top memery?

I think that their quarterly earnings report was likely at the forefront of their board's decision on that one. Luckily, I have no board and will always do whats right by the game and the players.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Super-Aesa

Announce $500 alpha access then delay the alpha. smart move intrepid smart move.

I've extended the refund policy to 90 days going forward and backdated this to take effect from May 5th onward.