about 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Ancient secrets lurk in the shadows of trees older than history. On Verra, those old roots sprawl into the dirt, and through them draw up great reservoirs of essence. They transform the woods, making them tenacious. Fey creatures in their depths ally with the woodlands - stalking, hunting and feeding upon the misfortunate souls that wander too deep and linger too long.

The Secrets of Shadeglen cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from March 9, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until April 6, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that Unbreakable Bonds addons will be removed on March 9, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.

For more information, check out our news post: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2022-03-08-secrets-of-shadeglen
about 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I noticed some people on Discord wondering what the size of the transport (boat, in this case) cosmetic is.

For this particular boat, it is most likely to be a small personal transport. So the intention is 1-3 players to man this vessel. Hope that may answer future questions!