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While I think the models we have seen of spiders so far look great, there is one thing that I find a bit wrong, and that is that they all appear to have 'stingers' on their abdomens. Now I know they could be spinnerets, but they do look more like stingers to me. What do you think?

about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

whatever the hell a flanggler is

A flanggler is a beautiful and rare treasure to behold <3

As for our spiderbros here, who's to say it's not a prehensile tail? πŸ€”

The creatures of Verra are often a unique spin on IRL equivalents (even just the colors alone in the pic OP shared are likely a bit of a deviation from nature), so maybe it's to spin webs, poison you, or just to wave hi :tongue: