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I’m sure I’ll get some prickly commenters from this but I need to voice this opinion.

These monthly cosmetics and previewed armor sets in game are all nice in some way. Many of them are truly fantastic. But I’m wondering...when are we going to get a set with....ANY skin showing? Like, I get it. Intrepid is making “an immersive” fantasy world. But that’s the thing. This is fantasy. There’s bound to be magical armor that can be more revealing while being protective. There is also the fact that some rogue/assassin/archer/mage/etc characters prefer to wear very light, sometimes revealing outfits even while on the job. It’s what is good looking or comfortable to them. I know I know, light doesn’t mean skimpy. I’m not saying it does. But when you go light, you now have the freedom to be skimpy without someone saying “herp derp bikini plate armor”.

Thus far we’ve been so darn prudent that we’ve only seen faces, a couple hands, maybe a forearm lol. I’m not asking for armors that look like bikinis, but damn you know it would be nice to show some skin in some armors. There’s dozens so far that all show no more than a face, maybe hands. And I think at this point we’re up to like 5 or 10 sets that literally show nothing because of a helmet. Let’s dip some variety into this pool of armors and get some less protective, more revealing stuff to wear.

Thank you for reading.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya! We definitely appreciate you all sharing your feedback here on lighter armor options, and thank you to mcstackerson for sharing a few great examples on where we've taken this approach previously! There's another great thread over here where folks have been sharing more specific examples of the kinds of armor they'd like to see more of in-game, so we'd love for you to highlight more pictures in this thread with your ideas!


And I think at this point we’re up to like 5 or 10 sets that literally show nothing because of a helmet.

Previously we've shared that you'll be able to toggle your helmet display to your liking, so that you can take that element into your own hands!