about 1 month ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s we definitely heard the feedback of
3s wanting some larger creatures and you
7s know we've seen these things in uh
8s Giants and other games being like these
10s large punishing monsters so we wanted to
12s kind of I wanted to kind of give that
14s that kind of feeling of big
17s bruisers and just very difficult things
20s you know you go back to older games
22s these type of creatures were very
23s imposing and players would avoid them
26s unless they were very prepared so this
28s is kind of like the introduction to that
30s and um as we develop them further we'll
33s we'll be able to you know do variants
35s that are very large maybe they pick up
37s Boulders and throw them and we'll
40s probably see them in other other zones
41s as well