Transcript (by Youtube)

18s hello everyone and welcome to another day in Vera  and Boyd do we have an exciting showcase for you  
25s today we are just T-minus 20 hours away from  starting Phase 2 of Alpha 2 and the team has  
33s been hard at work getting a lot of content and new  features ready for us to test um we are going to  
39s be showing off one of those big content expansions  here at the beff Fallen Forge and I am joined by  
45s some very amazing developers who helped bring to  life what you're about to see today um joining us  
52s of course we have the classic uh world team owner  that is Jeremy Jeremy how are you doing buddy  
59s doing pretty good show this off yeah yeah excited  I'm excited to see what your team has been cooking  
66s uh and of course we have one of our glorious  level designers uh Jessica Jessica I believe  
71s this is this your first time on the show or second  time first time but I'm hyped welcome very excited  
77s I know that you've done a lot of uh a lot of cool  stuff in here and I think players are going to be  
81s excited to see that we are live by the way on on  the production environment uh obviously this week  
86s we've been doing um some testing uh on prod since  last weekend was our last weekend of uh Phase 1 so  
93s you may see some players run through us uh that is  all cool we're down uh to clown with some people  
99s on prod um think if we get some strange uh you  know comments or whatever it is what it is this  
106s this is where we are um but joining us as well  on the design side of course is our director of  
111s design Bill Bill how are you doing buddy awesome  you know just uh ready to go in here and uh see  
118s what happens yes it's going going to be exciting  I think and then we have of course our uh lead  
124s environment artist James James how you doing buddy  I'm doing good excited to uh dwarf it up yes you  
130s are a dwarf lover and now we do have some dwarves  I see our tiny little dwarves here with very  
136s strong legs of course uh very excited for that so  cute I know uh and then we have joining us as well  
143s um our producer plan and dworf a familiar face for  many of you in the look at this Stephen give God  
150s Shield please uh Planet dorf uh how you doing  buddy Nathan how you doing I'm I'm here to chew  
157s bubblegum and channel mana and I am not allowed to  channel Mana anymore so I'm ready to have a good  
162s time love it love it uh and then we have our one  of our glorious QA members Anastasia first time  
169s on the show Anastasia I know you have been finding  all the possible bugs in what short period of time  
174s has been given to QA for this space but welcome  Anastasia how are you thank you a huge imposter  
180s syndrome but thanks no you've been doing a great  job here the whole team has I mean really this is  
186s it's such a beautiful looking just exterior even  and of course you know this is the worst that this  
190s place is going to look um it's going to only get  better from here there's a lot of still polish  
195s that we want to do there's a lot of set dressing  that we want to do and of course lighting as well  
199s but it is in a place where we expect players will  be interacting with this throughout uh the Alpha  
204s 2 um uh break excuse me the the Christmas break  which by the way we've probably have already  
211s announced this but we will be leaving the Alpha 2  servers up for Phase 2 through the entirety of our  
219s Christmas break which starts on December 20th and  ends on January 6th I know that traditionally we  
224s had said that Phase 2 would be over a 5day period  of time but things are feeling pretty stable the  
229s team is feeling pretty uh aggressive in which case  we are going to be um to be keeping things up over  
236s the whole break so I think a lot of people are  going to have a lot of fun playing um there's  
240s a lot of new systems and features which we'll  be talking about on the live stream but today  
244s we are going to focus in this video on befallen  Forge so let's head in but we will come down at  
250s 2 a.m. for Server restarts yes yes servers will  be restarting daily at 2 a.m. uh Pacific time uh  
257s for those of you of course who are late night owls  you will see that downtime is expected probably to  
263s be you know less than an hour but I don't know um  and I think it's 2 2 e uh C for the oh my bad oh  
271s okay got you're good okay all right so this is the  befallen forge I know that we have a lot of people  
278s following us oh is there a group there is a group  but you're not in just follow gindra because he's  
283s going to be our tank oh here we go gindra you  are our tank so so cool why is Sten leading why  
293s is the Mage leading I'm just looking at these this  stuff I mean this is kind of nasty what happened  
298s to these people what why are we here yeah why are  we here what is this place Jeremy talk to us all  
304s right why are there so many dwarves buff Fallen  Forge it's original name was the braith reach  
310s and it was a collaboration with the dwarves and  the humans to create a forge because over on the  
315s other continent over in yium the Toren Empire was  starting to cause a lot of problems so they wanted  
322s to create this collaboration for so that start  cranking out some gear to fight off this this  
330s Army that's going to be coming their way um then  eventually during the Great War of the undy the  
337s Torin did come and take over this location and  cursed everyone inside of it and then sealed it  
343s up so after the war we weren't the humans and  and dwars weren't able to break the seal and  
352s it was just us coming back from Sanctus in The  Exodus that the Seal's finally broken so we have  
360s the remains of Toren and uh dunes and Kell and  alens who were working this Forge that have been  
367s cursed and to this afterlife of maintaining this  Forge and creating cursed weapons and things out  
376s of it nice very cool yeah I know I mean the forge  obviously is it speaks for itself with all of this  
382s lava on the interior I assume that they use uh for  the forges purposes um let's head in if you want  
390s if you want to grab one of these or just if  you just want to Leroy it you're welcome to
395s Jeremy now of course this is intended for full  parties so uh if you need to to find friends the  
407s entrance area as is a classic dungeon maneuver to  find groups and people waiting but there's also  
413s some um nearby uh uh we're close to kind of new AA  and what is the other one is it Isa that's right  
425s it's also a good place to pick up parties yeah so  this isend is a full group of eight everything you  
432s see in here is going to be three stars or more  so this is kind of a higher higher end dungeon  
438s for the riverlands oh I'm loving look at this this  is I mean it definitely speaks dunar to me I mean  
445s looking at the looking at just the shape language  of the uh of the doors and the archways and the  
452s blocky nature of it uh it looks great I'm loving  this the giant chains look perfect inside oh God  
460s there's a great there fall inside that these slag  born they have a lot of hit points 70k mhm you  
471s can hit hard as mentioned with the greates like  the environment hazards are are pretty spicy oh  
480s really oh I didn't even say so so so the the uh  grates back at the entrance area those actually  
485s deal damage to you as well right y they do about  10% of uh Health damage but you can roll out of  
493s it as long as you're not like standing for a  good manners so you'll be just fine but we're  
498s going to crank that up right oh for sure for sure  it's going to be up to like 25% in the next play
503s through it feels pretty good I got to tell you I  think we we've definitely brought some stragglers  
514s along with us added Firepower here yeah they're  kind of helping we have extra Firepower for sure  
519s let's get this patroller down that's good though  we can make our ways a little bit deeper in the  
523s dungeon for the Showcase true yeah and we're  in a we're in a room right now that has uh one  
531s of the mini bosses the Bellow Smasher that's  on the other side oh no oh God oh God help
540s healer the problem is you guys are going  around this pill you all are on different  
546s sides of this pillar so you're not making  my job easy so what you're saying is the  
550s level design is how dare you how  dare you got to be aware of your
558s surroundings okay uh for for this room in  general even though the pillars do seem a  
567s bit perilous um they're definitely used  for like cover so that way you can Tien  
573s up each of the enemies and the mini  boss to kind of have some different  
577s tactics and stuff um when you're raiding  through this this dungeon my bad um sorry  
586s telling these guys to take their party down  south we will go north is this North yes
600s okay there's in the middle of uh this room  as well has uh the first showing of those  
606s cursed D that you were mentioning Steven  oh really mhm where's that at right in the  
615s middle they're uh on workbenches as as if  they were working on different pieces and  
622s tools based on Tech menus uh manuals you going  to pull one of these guys gendra we have to go  
629s go south or is there an alternate way for us  to go how' they get cursed you know what I'm  
635s going to I'm going to actually separate um  from this group and I'm going to summon our  
640s party down somewhere real quick hold on how  about down here Jess in the wall uh where  
650s are you at I'm floating down into this area  kind of down in this section I don't know if  
660s there's a place for us to go from here there  probably is let me summon you here hold on one
663s second there we go I just pulled you all  okay everyone back there is going to die  
671s in 5 seconds crazy I was like healing like a  mad woman I was like oh my gosh what happened  
677s why were we taking so much damage oh no oh I  think one of our victims here followed us yeah  
685s oh did they some some creative uh pathing there  yeah like to see it this happens sometimes when  
693s you when you're when you're recording in a live  test environment but I think it's fun this way  
700s all right we got a less a little bit less of a  hit point dude over here maybe we can kill him  
704s first he blinks around oh he does strategies  what is this got him okay Switching back
719s I love the aesthetic in
721s here yeah this part right here is definitely  set up for later cont gosh what was that was  
733s some damage right there oh the explosion after  the cursed Jers yeah they're spicy now where can  
740s we go from here Jess now from here we're actually  part of a later content portion push where this is  
746s going to be like a battle royale PVP session but  um wait hold on you can't just drop that bomb and  
754s not explain so this part right here the reason  why it's blocked off is that there's going to be  
761s some A Relic or some cursed armor we'll see what  what flavor we're feeling and once the players  
770s kill the final boss both these areas both the  final boss area that's over here and the area of  
778s which we just came out of the uh Bellow Smashers  room will unlock and there will be a timed event  
785s to grab the Relic that's over here oh that's  cool okay that's cool and that that coincides  
791s kind of with our uh node sieges as well because  obviously as nodes acquire those relics uh it's  
798s incumbent upon all the other nodes that are left  without to seek out how they can acquire those  
803s things through battle that's very cool definitely  now to get up now I told these people to go in a  
811s different direction they're going to I might  have to murder them L and it's not because  
819s they're following us right and messing up the  recording it's because we're in a pvx world we're  
826s lied right yes that's right I think all you know  we just don't like to cut of their jib you know
834s there's we flag up and we we do a little  red wedding here yeah there is only enough  
844s room for our party sorry friends all  right let's take a look who who's  
854s the first oh okay that's the first Target  apparently murder thing all right the next
862s one got to bring him down oh no not the oh  he didn't fight us he we got we're getting  
870s corruption baited oh no I need heals I need heals  I got I got this Lulu look guy take out Lulu
877s look okay he uh they're fighting us so  we can kill him now with infity all right  
889s murder murder death kill almost oh I'm  flying whoops oh this is kind of unfair  
899s flying yeah I didn't even know I was  flying still all right I'm going to  
904s wipe some corruption from folks let me uh I  got to murder this person first guys we're  
909s not normally this Blood hungry I tried to to  warn them all right some of us I need to take  
919s their stuff though see steal that very nice the  are these are nice Goods here oh trust guy just  
929s jumped into the lava it off why not oh the guy  the guy committed soku yeah or soku is it soku
938s oroku okay where are we going here now game so  Stephen if you could if um could you by chance  
950s bring us to that bridge that we kind of left off  that oh really yeah I could totally do that where  
955s do you want me to go the bridge follow my little  yes please the one that's uh by where we were  
961s chest at that was close that was close Bill all  right I'm going back to this bridge location would  
969s that have been bad if I fell in the lava okay I'm  going to I'm going to summon you guys to me I'm  
972s going to summon you guys to me don't jump off here  careful hey oh oh no the run the AO run what have  
982s you done I'm going to bring you back I'm going  to bring you back okay oh there's a there's a  
988s big beasty down here can we jump off hey there's a  dude here that's flagged murder oh my God and he's  
999s dead Perfection and his horse is dead too oh he  didn't have to kill the horse yes you do okay let  
1008s me see if he has any good stuff oh okay all right  cool oh there's another person fo I got to kill fo  
1018s too this quickly becoming a pro oh my goodness  hey I fell in the lava I don't know if this is
1024s sustainable okay hold on there we go we got  him we got him I'm back okay we're going to  
1033s have to we're going to have to make like  a tree and leave here real quick is that  
1036s how that works we can do that real quick  yeah okay where are we going um so let's no
1041s Health's going on with my heels
1051s oh you need to control F if you want to heal flag  Players let's head towards the flame Elemental  
1057s room or or the Bell Smasher room and we can  just go down and head towards the puzzle room  
1063s be following you all right let's go with Jess oh  we're we're just going to leave this uh we're just  
1069s going just going to abandon tank yeah come on  let's go tank we got to move we got Reds in the
1075s party okay so after you kill a  bell Smasher there's another boss  
1082s downstairs to Flame Elemental which both  of them will drop um for later I saw that  
1091s planet dorf just got destroyed suicide up  cleric cleric no here here we go well you  
1100s can okay there you go you're good hey  what's where you're good you're good
1110s all right okay okay so we've successfully made our  
1118s way now to an area where we are just  a group alone let's kill this last
1124s thing so after players killed a Bellow Smasher  um their the secondary boss is downstairs is  
1138s the power element which is the untended flame um  afterwards players will have to come down here to  
1149s approach the pule room to progress the dungeon ooh  where's that at let's go yeah are you just going  
1155s to give away all the spoilers yeah yeah that's  true look spoiler warning I love the lava wait you  
1165s said puzzle this isn't jumping again is this don't  worry about it we'll be fine we'll oh no bill and  
1171s Maggie are shook to their very core are we jump  are we jumping puzzl you I didn't know that was  
1179s going to be part of this we'll be fine we'll rally  we'll rally where are we going so after we kill uh  
1189s this guy the puzzle room is in here okay oh I see  I see I see ooh there's an unruly flame here yeah  
1199s there are the mobs that will engage us once the  bridge is open so if you can see right here check  
1205s out this puzzle Stephen okay from Ash to Stone  from Stone to tide the path of safety lies inside  
1215s o I like that that's so good nice nice job Jess  did you come up with that yeah I actually used  
1220s it for one of my uh DND d uh sessions and players  took a hot minute to solve a 5-year-old puzzle but  
1229s but as you can see from these little sparkles  a bridge will rise right here oh oh did you  
1237s complete the puzzle yeah oh nice oh God oh  God oh God oh God wait oh God ouch ouch nope  
1247s oh God are we sure that's a bridge and I died  it is definitely a bridge but a little bug may  
1254s have caught in there real quick we may have to  jump across it was still Battle of Endor Vibes  
1260s right there like The Shield's not down oh no oh  no oh God the unruly flame destroyed me I I got  
1271s destroyed by the bridge here I know what to do  I know what to do hold on let me uh let me is  
1277s lerza still alive yeah both Maggie and I were like  we'll see how this goes we'll we'll see I was like  
1283s I'm not going to go across this bridge I'll let  you be first okay I know what we can do so guys  
1290s you're going to see a little bug right we're going  to get that fixed today don't worry it'll be fixed  
1294s before tomorrow you're ring your Target location  so uh you just keep dying when I revive I am just  
1300s going to fly over here so we can keep checking out  the dungeon but welcome to alha 2 sometimes there  
1306s are some bugs let me go ahead and summon you all  to me including the corpses I call it extra spice  
1315s yeah ex that's ex that's definitely some extra  spice it's a perfect showcase said if you die  
1319s in the lava good riddance yeah we we'll get that  fixed we we just need to put a flat plane with  
1326s that with that bridge I'll definitely fix it I'm  going to I'm going to put like a little higher  
1332s elevation for it but definitely be fixed today all  right so we got Ginger coming up and then I think  
1340s we can probably pick up I love the interaction  though the uh the puzzle it's not quite a jumping  
1345s puzzle it's a death puzzle with uh uh is there  any Rhyme or Reason to the to the sequence that  
1352s you need yes so the reason why I chose that kind  of that riddes thing cuz this is considered it  
1359s was considered like a safety precaution for uh  the D to get across the the slag depository for  
1370s let's say not quality weapons or armor which is  what that room is for so if for some reason the  
1376s lava overwhelmed or overflowed because of all of  the the melted down armor and weapons they would  
1385s be able to access that riddle which is like  a control panel to get across the depository  
1393s that's cool I like that anapilis and tro need  to need a summoning yes oh do you guys I'm sorry  
1400s I'm so sorry let me let me bring you guys here  oh thank you I pulled some of you back as well  
1409s oh and Jess is down lza is injured where I'm
1414s loading
1417s yeah okay we can get Jess up here that's just  
1425s payback for the bridge Jess  I know I know wanted you to
1428s die I was trying to summon them  oh no we almost got this dude  
1440s all right there we go we're good nice please the  res We got Jess up all right now obviously Jeremy  
1451s when we talk about these types of open world  dungeons um there are going to be some rooms  
1457s that are perhaps a bit better from an experience  Andor drop perspective as well as some named mobs  
1463s which we're going to see here in a little bit uh  that players are going to be you know contending  
1468s for right cuz the scarcity that exists this just  put in we have three mini bosses B smash be in  
1475s one of them and then several names so we'll  run into some of those those are um your loot  
1481s targets your uh your reasons for coming here and  Mike and uh econ team have looted these guys up  
1490s so come on in and get all your gear here we're  we're actually approaching a room that has one  
1499s of the named Bobs The duner Tavern that's up  this bridge and entering that will be able to  
1507s get some good gear yeah it's the break room for  the workers back in the day so the cast Master's  
1513s there and is this torren administrator  well the torren took over the place for a
1520s while for the bureaucratic nonsense got it  yeah during the the hi of the Great War of  
1530s the undying they forced uh the DS and humans here  to work for them while they occupied it okay a lot  
1538s of narrative backstory to learn while you're  exploring this and we're not going to reveal  
1543s everything as part of this showcase we're just  going to give you guys a peek inside and leave  
1548s it to you to find all the interesting lore  and different bosses that live here but um  
1556s I think one thing that is oh my God oh my God  waa what is this ability might have went time  
1567s a day sh oh let me see I can adjust that my bad  here yeah we did let me just fix that my bad
1578s guys okay I think we're good grab  this guy too for everyone who is on  
1589s live at this point I'm sorry for the flashbang oh
1592s yeah there he is oh here we go k this guy too
1603s ooh you're tanking this pretty well so this  is obviously intended for a full party and  
1613s full party it needs to be geared pretty well  because these guys are level 27 mobs and it  
1618s goes was up to 30 so 25 to 30 in here so  I put the range that where you're starting  
1624s at the entrance they level 25 so it shows  like progression as you're going through  
1629s the dungeon oh that's cool and now from an econ  standpoint there's also specific gear for this  
1638s dungeon as well that players can acquire yes  ouch you just get down turn down I'm trying  
1647s to revive you oh no my go oh no we need to  burn them burn them quick okay bring you
1654s up
1658s almost almost oh and he's
1664s down he did have a fire infused you  got like one shotted bro ooh what is  
1673s this so it's a little secret that  uh you guys will have to find out  
1679s when we get to the B final like boss room oh  that's cool now it's not yet online by the way but  
1687s there actually is intended to be quite a big raid  boss in this dungeon as well is that right yes uh  
1695s a little bit of secret but maybe he has some wings  and maybe he can like breath some necrotic or acid  
1700s breath at here so might be Undead might have  a phactory might be a dragon yeah faact little
1709s surpris oh can I just I just want to get a I just  want to get a upwardly view here o yeah so this  
1719s is the uh Tavern SL break room where like as you  know dun and dwarves like love ail so of course  
1726s they would have like celebratory stuff while in  the past and the castmaster was the one who was  
1733s involved with with ensuring that the ale lasted as  long as people were thirsty that's cool yeah this  
1744s looks awesome just I'm just going to get a nice  view of the uh of the room for everybody this is a  
1753s great looking area while you guys kind of uh play  around there I just want to give people kind of  
1757s a little bit of a fly through actually as I move  around the dungeon just to give out it's nice that  
1766s our it's nice that our magic DPS is just roaming  around yeah that uh that explosion at the end can  
1773s uh can get you oh yeah this is a huge complex  I mean how many parties can this area support  
1781s easily about five or six uh parties like when we  did uh a kind of a stress test ear earlier this  
1789s week there was a good junk load of people raiding  through here and trying to get past that first
1793s boss I mean it looks based on our results  it looks like it can only support one party  
1801s right it's all for us yeah pull this  here well we are pretty much a junk
1805s load this is cool and the lava is dangerous  yes oh for sure um as you saw the greats do the  
1820s that small bit of damage the burn damage and the  lava is uh definitely an instakill so definitely
1829s jump on your own
1830s Peril I'm trying to come back  to find you guys oh there you
1839s are all right I'm sorry I'm back well this is  pretty awesome I think players is going to have  
1846s a lot of fun obviously as you said this is a  higher level content uh lot of great rewards  
1851s that are possible in here um and you know we want  players to have a little bit of friction perhaps  
1857s over those rewards and the scarcity of uh of what  it represents super cool yeah great job on this by  
1866s the way Jess and Jeremy and and James oh my gosh  um I think players are going to have a lot of fun  
1873s in here and and it definitely I think is oh this  is the guy killed me on the bridge representative  
1878s of what people expect from an open world you know  massive dungeon yeah did a really good job on this  
1887s was the artist to uh Tran was the primary artist  who uh finished up the blockouts by making it look  
1896s like an actual dungeon very nice yeah I took a lot  of inspiration from um Moria as well as a couple  
1905s other dungeons from like Dungeons and Dragons and  uh made a solid block out for and test out some  
1913s pop for passing off to Tristan to to beautify it  and make it look like an actual dungeon like James  
1920s was saying now where's the where's the one of the  bosses did we already fight one of the bosses uh  
1927s no we did not uh we can fight one of the named  bosses which is right over here o fire Rune oh  
1934s is there maybe we should try to fight that boss  first let's see yeah there's a the cask master  
1940s is over here let me let me Mark him sounds like  a producer askm yeah yeah I'll take that 100%
1951s where's my ale ale is for
1954s closers I like it where's the task masker I  lost I lost you guys oh he's up here yeah I  
1966s marked him with a nice little axe oh  a cask master I thought he said task  
1974s that'd be too closer that to that producer  you were talking about we got an ad tro oh
1981s theole you blaming tro sleep it oh we got the  Cal Master too oh God St got it I think we got  
1993s them all we got a bunch uh well no no we're good  we're good Focus kill that last dude this tank
2002s here hold them
2008s B
2017s almost oh no over here oh  watch out watch out oh that's
2023s great wait these enemies do  damage wait hold up oh yeah  
2030s there people are dying oh the tank  is down yeah I'm taking damage I uh  
2039s having trouble being everybody alive  uhoh okay think we got it get his fat
2046s loots okay I'm still on the
2055s Taskmaster
2064s o oh almost watch out for the explosion afterwards  oh no he's gaining health I'm cleansing his his
2077s Buffs watch the boat watch blow up oh my gosh  he has Health again dude he is getting so  
2086s much health back what is going on health from  it's the ale he's drinking no oh my god dude y  
2098s well that happens to me too okay we got  to kill the other things then first we  
2101s got to kill the other things oh my  gosh I got the heals that is rough
2109s okay okay almost got another guy okay  we got to let's pull back let's pull  
2117s back a little bit pull it back I think we're  going to get respawns so yeah kill kill this  
2125s cursed Smith first Focus on one target yeah oh  slag born slor up I was just ready to close us
2137s out I died guys I know you can't do what  I'm doing but it is much easier if you  
2149s can okay I'm going to hack too no stop it  oh my God this is starting getting very  
2159s lonely uh you guys are all dead all  right well that has been our Showcase
2165s of uh couple bugs here and there that's cool  um but honestly this is a super super awesome  
2175s uh dungeon and I think players are really going  to enjoy it um it is definitely uh not for the  
2180s faint of heart it is difficult uh so be aware  players if you want to overcome this difficulty  
2186s in in favor of trying to find the loot and rewards  that come with this place you're going to need to  
2191s come um you're going to need to come prepared  um Jess Jeremy James Bill uh Anastasia Nathan  
2202s Margaret thank you guys for joining us this was  a a fun experience I think players are going to  
2207s love the new content that's in Phase 2 and  obviously uh as you all know out there in  
2211s the audience this is just the start of phase 2  we have a lot of plans for Phase 2 uh Intrepid  
2216s is going to be on holiday from the 20th to  the six but when we return we are going to  
2220s be ready to kick some butt and to implement some  new content and features uh as part of the phase 2  
2226s development so um thank you for joining us today  and we will see you guys back on stream have a  
2232s happy holidays and a merry Christmas everybody  thanks y'all chras bye take it easy thank you

🌋 🔥 We just debuted the Befallen Forge dungeon!

Are you excited to explore this new dungeon during Phase II?

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