Transcript (by Youtube)

2s watch out com back DPS get back on the
3s Ancient One spread out spread out
5s Lightning's going to come out in a
7s moment see if you can use interrupts to
9s stop the lightning if you can next
12s time stay away from the lightning it
14s will move in a line and it will onshot
16s you out of the Rings to the edge of the
17s room edge of the room that's a big res
19s on did not
22s work ra
26s T did not work prioritize the don't
30s resing
31s on prioritize the BS on
35s reses please keep the coms clear if
37s you're not talking about uh specific
39s information don't need to know about
43s the good
46s job after the BS start getting the Mages
48s up we need our DPS going up
55s Oki I think storm