Original Post — Direct link
This is the short version because I lost the first one. Sorry, it was great. I’d love a part time job thinking about these things. Thanks!

There is no leveling as we know it. There are skill levels and skill groups that match corresponding enemy/event types.

If I spend all day for a year killing boars, my skill at killing boars is going to be great. I’ll be good at killing all pigs, and better at killing mammals in general. If I did it all with an axe, I’m going to be the axe king. My defense against the above types will be good too.

Later in the game, a long distance away, I find myself upon a group dying repeatedly to a boar humanoid boss. I can help, and I do. We easily defeat the boss. I leave with huge confidence and get into a fight with a baby dragon that spits ice. I’ve never fought against ice before, nor have I fought against anything that flies. I died because my moves aren’t as effective against these types… yet.
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link


I’d say I agree with the counters here but can anyone tweak it to make it work instead of shoot it down? How has it failed before and what could be changed to make it work?

To start, maybe some of the skill passes over as a baseline for other skills. So.. you start a little higher with swords even though you’ve never used one, because you’re really good with axes (hand weapons in general).

IMO.. The new content should be hard when it first drops!

I think as Noaani suggested, it'd be better as an addition to the levelling system, rather than a replacement. I remember in the Guild Wars expansion Nightfall, the further along the main questline you were, or the more of a certain type of enemy you killed, the better your Rank in the Sunspear Title Track, and as your rank got higher, you'd get a bonus to your damage against the main questline enemies. If it was going to be in-game, it'd need to be something like that. Nothing too big, but a small boost just to give you a slight edge. It'd be super interesting if, on selecting a small increase to a certain type of creature, you also had to select a small decrease on a different type.

Very interesting! That could make a system like the one OP is talking about work, I imagine. Would be interesting to see it implemented into a western game at some point.