This is the short version because I lost the first one. Sorry, it was great. I’d love a part time job thinking about these things. Thanks!
There is no leveling as we know it. There are skill levels and skill groups that match corresponding enemy/event types.
If I spend all day for a year killing boars, my skill at killing boars is going to be great. I’ll be good at killing all pigs, and better at killing mammals in general. If I did it all with an axe, I’m going to be the axe king. My defense against the above types will be good too.
Later in the game, a long distance away, I find myself upon a group dying repeatedly to a boar humanoid boss. I can help, and I do. We easily defeat the boss. I leave with huge confidence and get into a fight with a baby dragon that spits ice. I’ve never fought against ice before, nor have I fought against anything that flies. I died because my moves aren’t as effective against these types… yet.
There is no leveling as we know it. There are skill levels and skill groups that match corresponding enemy/event types.
If I spend all day for a year killing boars, my skill at killing boars is going to be great. I’ll be good at killing all pigs, and better at killing mammals in general. If I did it all with an axe, I’m going to be the axe king. My defense against the above types will be good too.
Later in the game, a long distance away, I find myself upon a group dying repeatedly to a boar humanoid boss. I can help, and I do. We easily defeat the boss. I leave with huge confidence and get into a fight with a baby dragon that spits ice. I’ve never fought against ice before, nor have I fought against anything that flies. I died because my moves aren’t as effective against these types… yet.