Original Post — Direct link
Hey Guys and Girls,

just had a quick idea about 3d printing models like your own character. Together with the currently under development charackter desinger, it would be a really cool feature to being able to print your own Character. Later on with the game implementing more armor types etc, printing your own charakter with your specific gearset would be a amazing feature to add. The 3d printing community myselfe included is big and i´m sure would love such a feature. Those models could be used in table top games etc. To credit Ashes the models could be generated with e.g. a Ashes of Creation base.

I´m just interested in your overall opinion about this.

about 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
There are some people here at Intrepid Studios who are also very into and interested in 3D printing! Maybe the marketing team should go talk to them about it ;)