over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s yeah I'm looking at men okay it says
2s that it instantly launches a healing
4s projectile toward Target Ally each
7s charge the ability consumed after the
10s first has no Mana cost okay that's nice
12s and it restores an increasing amount of
14s Mana to the Caster based on the number
16s of missing charges consecutive uses of
18s the ability will gain bonus healing so
21s talk to me a little bit about the intent
22s here this is kind of the efficient
24s maintenance seal that you can fall back
25s on if things aren't you know hitting the
28s fan too hard
29s um so if you're you know if you if your
31s Target's not going to like not in
33s immediate danger of dying this is a
35s lighter weight heel that is much more
37s efficient on your Mana resource nice
39s it's pretty nice and comfortable to use
41s and see the little loading projectiles
43s it's not great for like a super reactive
47s situation because they have that travel
49s time
50s um but you know but you still have the
52s opportunity to use them it's more like a
54s predictive feel right like when you
57s don't need to immediately respond to a
58s bad situation