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I keep hearing the title echoed by people who seem to not understand that alpha 2 will last a long time. They're acting like alpha 2 is the launch of the full game and every patch after is supposed to be polished in a finished final state.

I know it's not everyone and that the people enjoying the game are playing it rather than posting on reddit (with some exceptions) but it's frustrating to hear over and over.

If you are asking Intrepid to release things like the desert with fully implemented resources, mob types, atmospheric terrain, and everything you expect from a finished zone, you're not wanting to see development, you're wanting them to delay patches and release full content all at once which is incredibly bad for feedback and development.

Trickle changes are good for us to experience everything and give feedback without needing 50 tests to isolate the negative experience.


TL:DR Alpha is meant to be the first playable state of a game. Open/active development means we get updates and changes as they can be implemented, not as the content gets in full batches. And Steven isn't calling you mentally ill if he tells you to take a break, people just need to touch grass cause they're too invested in a game that's years away from launch.

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3 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

I think it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that Alpha Two will be a long process, and over time the systems and content will be released, sometimes those releases will feel scuffed and incomplete, because quite frankly they are. And to be honest, it will not be a process that is for everyone. It will cause frustration at times, and perseverance to test. This is why I have consistently beat the drums of not participating if you are expecting to “play” a game.

There is a reason why the large majority of developers and publishers do not expose these phases of game development to the public. Software development, and particularly game development is long and arduous. You can take 3 steps forward, and 2 steps back at times.

This is particularly true the more complex the game is. And Ashes has many complex systems that must interact with each other. So sometimes when one piece of code or tech gets touched it can have wide ranging consequences.

The project has had its fair share of criticisms and detractors. It is important to be discerning for some people who use an unfamiliarity with game development to cast allusions of mistrust. While I don’t want white knights to drown out valid criticisms, it is also important to stay vigilant against those who may sell negativity for profit/gain.

I am always happy to answer well meaning questions and discourse here, or in discord.

Merry Christmas and thank you for the post. 🙏🎄❤️