about 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s I mean I I I can't imagine that they
3s just left oh boy we got some people up
6s here oh no they're back they want their
10s stuff back oh no I'm going to go I'm
12s going to go chill with the uh the raft
14s as it kind of comes down while you guys
16s fight them for a second I think it's
18s almost done there we
21s go ah I've gotten the raft I'm
26s running oh God Rangers to the ship
30s quickly join me we must depart this
36s area all right we'll catch back
40s up everyone on
44s board Chris Bucky do what you can to
46s hold them uh it's just it's just some
49s rabble you know these guys don't have
51s anything on us