Original Post — Direct link
Hey, I've got a question! Is it worth buying into Alpha 2? Asking Alpha 1 players.

I really like being part of a small tight knit community and I don't mind buggy gameplay. I mainly have fun by experiencing the MMO -side of the MMORPGs. Things like talking random ingame or noningame related stuff in world chat with other people, meeting players randomly in the world and grouping up to do hard quests & dungeons. Thats what I love best.
The RPG side for me is fun but not as fun as interacting with people.
almost 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
This is really up to you, OP :)

As long as you understand that there is no live public testing phase at the moment. If you want to support the project, then you could purchase a pre-order pack. Though, it isn't necessary to enjoy watching the development process!

If you're wanting to test the game during Alpha Two, and you understand that there is no announced release date for Alpha Two, then your decision can be an informed one :)