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Almost every other post or YouTube video PVP this corruption that, the game is doomed!

I'm not saying Ashes is going to be perfect I'm sure it's going to have all kinds of issues but god damn people at least wait till we can play Alpha 2 and see how these systems work before everyone starts panicking.

It doesn't matter what Steven says. It doesn't matter what your favorite YouTuber says, it doesn't matter what stupid tweet you read, nothing matters until we get some actual gameplay of Alpha 2.

So for the love of God calm the f*ck down!

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over 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

We're very aware that this is a conversation happening in the community currently, and in the content of several content creators.

Since this is an active conversation, we wanted to address this. In case you missed it, we took some time to talk about PvP and griefing during the October 2022 Development Update Livestream (timestamp to the conversation).

One of our goals is that griefing should NOT be a viable playstyle. During testing, we'll refine game systems (if needed) until that goal is achieved.