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Fallout 76 has a camera mode where all of the photos you take act as your loading screens. I've never seen a game do this before or after and it truly made the game world far more enjoyable. Each time I saw a load screen, it was a photo I took and would always bring back fun memories.

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about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by 3L1T

Dark age of Camelot had realm VS realm pvp dungeon called Darkness Falls. Get in dungeon, enemies are red, friends are white or blue, farm, do Quests, kill bosses knowing after corner some enemies might camp you.

Elyon has Wraith Monastery, pk dungeon, free for all pvp + pve content and other RVR portals where you quest and grind similar with Daocs DF

PvX dungeons are amazing. 😉

You might be in luck on this one 😉

about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Glorf_Warlock

Like a tavern or something with a gwent like card game. It was always a tragedy to me that you couldn't play hearthstone properly inside of world of warcraft.