Original Post — Direct link
If I drop the $375 or $250 for Alpha 2 access is everything you do during Alpha wiped prior to Beta 1 & 2 and how long is the Alpha 2 stage ? A week, 2 weeks . Same with Beta if I purchase early access will my progress carry over at launch or will everything be wiped.

Extremely excited for the game !

Thank you !!

Disregard the question on the length of Alpha 2 I see its a month...
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! Definitely expect for your progress and characters to be wiped multiple times during Alphas and Betas, and then again prior to launch - since we'll be testing a lot of stuff with your help! I'm not quite sure where you saw that Alpha Two would last for a month (perhaps you were referring to our Alpha One phase), but as of this moment Alpha Two is planned to be our persistent test server: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Alpha-2