@HJYouga Those would be some good adjustments. We will add additional races into the character creator in the future so stay tuned for those updates. 🥰
@FeralForlorn We will provide some more detailed looks and comparison images in the future once we have developed the model further. This imagery is concept art. 😊
@OddObi We aim to have the character creator in the hands of players before the release of Alpha Two so you will have plenty of time to do just that! 🥰
@MeLlamanOsaka The Tulnar will have a wide array of character customizations. We can't wait to show you all the sweet Tulnar customizations we are working on! 🤗
🏡 Greyshore Waystations provide on-the-go bunks to catch quick naps and many other conveniences and necessities that Conveyers might need on the road.
💭 What do you plan on using your freehold for? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuFDf4PWAAI4AtZ.jpg
@aaronzin_ Freeholds are not instanced and take place in the open world. We will share more in-depth information on this system in future updates so please stay tuned!