almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

With our blacksmith complete and our weapon smithing skills up to par, we discover that our precious jewel is a potent source of latent essence that we can use to bolster our power! Grateful to have uncovered its purpose, we’re faced with yet another decision - what do we make with this gem?

What should we do with the jewel?

βš” Create a magnificent sword
🏹 Craft a glorious bow
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

The one with the sword was responsible for chasing down the rogue and recovering the gem, so... they should probably get the weapon.

Why can't someone as generous and thoughtful about loot as you are be in every party we play in 🀣
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

But, what's "latent essence" supposed to mean?

The essence is what helps shape what could be considered magic on Verra. It seems like perhaps you've found a boon that was just waiting for its power to be unlocked!


T Elf

I would rather have the gem on a wearable piece of gear, so that if I switched weapons or got disarmed, I'd still have the benefit of the gem.

A ring would be nice

If only you all had chosen a different path :wink: