Original Post — Direct link
Question: Can I give my Alpha 1 Key Code to a friend without recompense? As a Hero - I'd rather donate my key to a fellow worthy brother or sister because as I have a Job and little time. Yet - I am entitled to the key. I see Steven giving away some alpha 1 keys. Can I give my key away to a friend? Enquiring minds want to know. Thanks. Skaffnonimous.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there - the Alpha One perk included with the Braver of Worlds Kickstarter/Summer packs (and above) was listed as an "invite to Alpha One" rather than a key, so it's most likely meant to be yours and tied to your account specifically. That being said, your Hero of the People pack also includes 10 additional Beta Two keys you will be able to give away to whomever you like, so feel free to spread the love there accordingly once we share instructions with you for how to do so! <3