about 3 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link

A bright and fantastical place populated by winding stems and luminescent spores, the mushroom forests are as lethal as they are beautiful. Sentient fungi plod around the landscape, often indistinguishable from their inanimate compatriots until after it is too late. Despite the danger, some thrive in this blighted place, nearly becoming one with the land itself.

The From the Undergrowth cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from April 7, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific until May 5, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that the Root of Conquest addons will be removed on April 7, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.

For more information, check out our news post: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2021-04-06-from-the-undergrowth
about 3 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link

getting Alice in wonderland vibes. especially from the top hat. Nice!

oO I was not going for that when I was designing these, but I see it!


I have been waiting and waiting for the perfect set to buy into this game, and I believe this will be the month I do so.

Glad you like it!


In all honesty I hope there’s a disable store bought content button in-game, and that this is the default setting or day1 will look kind of ridiculous 😅 .

I think you'll be happy to know (along with the other folks in this thread that echoed your thoughts) that folks won't be able to just use the cosmetics right away. They still have to attain an item in-game that has a cosmetic slot in order to use these.

(There will be more details about those things specifically as we get further along in development. I know folks have asked a lot of questions on that topic - specifically about the Freehold Buildings and what types of buildings they can put those cosmetics on.)


Is the pet YUGE? or is it just large so we can see it clearly? Looks 10ft tall

Pets are usually fairly small creatures, but variants of these creatures will be in the world and they may be scaled up larger for that purpose. ;)


I want to dislike this as it not my style but for some reason I can't, there is something drawing me to get it

Not every set will be for everyone, but glad that there's something enticing about it even though you're not a super fan of it. =P

I try my best to do a wide variety of options and swap things around each month, so there will eventually be something folks like. =)