Original Post — Direct link
Hello Everyone,
So i have my concerns with this game and would like to ask the community for help calming these concerns instead of writing the game off as a game that might follow the same issue path as Archeage (1000+ Hours and 100+ on Archeage Unchained) Ill break this down with the 3 simple questions.
1. Looking at the pre orders i see you can get pet skins and mount skins. Will these skins reskin the specific pet or will these just reskin all mounts/pets.?
2. Will we be able to Switch Classes freely as we play or is it a Perm Decision?
3. Housing? Will these be Housing zones or is every where actually free game?
4. Are we looking at having to build boats and other things?

These are the 3 things that got me just getting the whole archeage issues that i could potential arise here. Thanks for hearing me out. I look forward to your comments.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! Hopefully I can help provide some guidance on your questions below:

1. The pet skins available are cosmetic pet skins, and can be summoned as followers regardless of you having any sort of pet to apply it to. The mount skins are also cosmetic skins, and unlike pets they will need to be applied to a base mount of the corresponding tier.
2. While your primary archetype is permanent, you will be able to adjust your secondary archetype with some degree of difficulty.
3. You can check out more of where we've discussed our housing system here: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Housing
4. More details on our planned naval systems can be found here: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Ships

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can assist you with!