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I know that not all dungeons will be huge sprawling affairs but how does intrepid make us the players want to explore every part of them? What incentives could be put in place to make it relevant or worth while to explore those side passages rather than just take the most effective path straight to that last boss?

For me I can not help but think back to vanilla wow and black rock mountain and how it all linked together to form a huge sprawling dungeon and I can't help but wonder if intrepid has any similar sorts of plans for their dungeons.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya! Looks like some folks in this thread have already brought up some great points around the majority of dungeons being open vs. instanced, so you all will likely be exploring quite a bit to find a good spot that works best for you and your group. Plus, you never know what loot might be hiding around that next corner! ;)

There are certainly a lot of variables to consider in terms of power balance for both dungeons and raids as well, so I'm sure we'll be asking for all of your detailed feedback on tuning those knobs as we get deeper into testing <3