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This is a small feedback. I know there is a lot of planned content for the game, but I hope there is a competitive PVP mode that has some level of equalization. Ideally it provides the ability to still customize your character (something like in Lost Ark), where you aren't required to grind PVE in order to be competitive in Pvp, and there isn't a huge barrier for entry.

I love both PVE and PVP aspects of MMOs and I find that being forced to speed through PVE to be competitive really makes me resent both aspects of the game and I'd prefer that they were separated for at least one mode, such as arenas.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

To get an idea regarding what we've shared so far on the topic of competitive PvP, see the wiki here: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Arenas