over 4 years
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UPDATED 11/02/2020 - Thank you to everyone who submitted their amazing creations for our 2020 Glorious Gourd Contest! It was VERY tough for us to pick our three winners this year, so we also provided Alpha One keys to some honorable mentions as well! You can check out all the winners on our October live stream here.

The Ashes of Creation Glorious Gourd Contest has returned for 2020! Grab your pumpkin or your pencils and get to carving and crafting - glorious prizes including an AMD graphics card and Alpha One keys await! https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2020-10-02-the-glorious-gourd-contest-returns
This is the official entry thread for the Glorious Gourd Contest - upload your creations here! This thread is for submissions ONLY, all invalid posts are subject to removal. Please be sure to review the full entry instructions here first, and check out the additional helpful links below:
Full Contest Rules
Physical Entry - Name Placard

Digital Entry - Glorious Gourd Template

Note: You must use the digital template provided