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With the Mage showcase showing us the ability to levitate during casting, how will this effect ground-based abilities? Will the player not be damaged by ground effecting AOE's? It is in my opinion that if a player is off the ground, then abilities that affect the ground should not affect the player. Is this the case, Will a player casting Blizzard and is levitating, be affected by a player that cast Cone of Cold? If this is the case, then why would any mage not take an ability with levitate to mitigate damage? Please let me know your thoughts and is this something that needs to be addressed before more levitation abilities are added.
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Abilities like the one shown last livestream, in which the ability animates the character to temporarily levitate, will likely not render the caster immune to ground-affect AoE, but this may be subject to further testing, iteration, and feedback <3