Original Post — Direct link
The forum really needs a FAQ. Because lots of questions seems to be asked that has already been answered or there is no answer for.
Or a topic with the title "Got a question. Look here first". Then answers to certain questions and a link to the webpage.
F.x. Where can i get the game. When is the game released. Classe and race questions. etc. And make it a sticky so it stays in the front page and in the top.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hey there! We do indeed already have a thread titled "Need Help or Have a Question? Check Here First!" which has been stickied at the top of the Support & FAQ category since these forums were brought back online! This thread links to helpful resources where we've answered some of your top questions before, including our knowledge base and Discord channels. It also requests that users search for their question first before posting, which doesn't seem to always be the case, based on the number of repeat questions we see asked ;)

While the Ashes of Creation wiki linked above is an amazing resource that I use often to share more information with folks, it is a community-run tool and not an official one, hence why it's not linked directly in an official capacity on these forums. One of our goals is definitely to bring more of that information on to our official spots like our website, so you can read all the fun goodness there instead!

Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything else you think would be helpful to add to our existing FAQ spots in the meantime!