Original Post — Direct link
I'm an old MMORPG fan since UltimaOnline and EverQuest1.
Disappointed by recent productions, I am trying to find out if my PC will be able to allow me to play.
I'm not (again) going to buy a pack without trying.
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I'm gonna pop in here to sort of agree with

There will be no box cost. Just wait for launch and sub for the $15 then and try it out.

this quote.

If you're unsure about how the game will perform on your machine, and you (understandably) don't want to purchase a testing package (which the next Alpha-2 testing phase date isn't announced yet), I would recommend waiting a while longer when the game is further in development so that you can get a better idea! There are system requirements information available, but being that the game is in an Alpha state, they can be a bit finicky.

I moved this thread to Support & FAQ and I'm going to close it out. Lmk if you have any further questions and you can always message me and Sarah on Discord as well! :)