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So I just watched an early impressions video of New World. One of the impressions he gave was of his annoyance at the toxicity of the New World community.

Kill stealing for skins is a huge problem in New World. I played the open beta, before refunding, and was myself alarmed at how many would instantly skin my animal kills as if they were their own right.

The reviewer then went on to say that one person had called a culprit a bottom-feeder in annoyance. He earned himself a ban for 24 hours. The bottom-feeder? Yep, nada.

MMO etiquette was a high priority in my favourite game of old. Everquest. I believe it should be pushed and enforced in Ashes to attain the best community possible.

So, how does Ashes intend to maintain a strong and friendly community? One free of toxicity and neglecting of basic MMO food behaviour.

Or, if you like, should Ashes attempt to enforce a solid community by enforcing MMO etiquette?

In fairness, it has been my impression from following this game since before kickstarter that the community is friendly. However, not everyone that follows Ashes grew up with the rules of games like Everquest. MMOs have changed, but shouldn't basic courtesy be paramount?
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I'm very happy that the community for this game is already so awesome! I hope that Ashes as a game not only redefines the genre but that the community will as well! :)