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Hello AoC community~!
As someone who usually plays mages in most of my games, suggesting this pains me, but I think its an interesting idea.

Take the sub classes of Templar, Spellsword and/or Nightspell, there is potential that they can take on a role which is a dedicated/semi dedicated mage hunter.

The idea I'm putting forth is the ability to seal the mana of their target by also sealing your own.
How this would work is that say you are a Nightspell who has 100 mana with no investment in sealing, and there's a mage that needs to be subdued, you would seal off 90 of your own mana to seal off 90 of your taget mages mana.
This means that now both of your mana pools are temporarily reduced by 90 mana. This might be enough to break any combos the mage is pulling off or make "ultimate" spells unusable.

But say you've now invested a fair bit into having gear that gives you mana and your mana pools is now 150, you can now seal off up to 150 mana from the mage, basically making them unable to cast anything other than their most basic skills.
And if you've also speccd into having stronger, better default attacks, that mage is now as good as dead without help from others.
This however comes at the drawback in that you've now got +mana taking up one or more of your gear stat lines which could be something more useful for non mage hunting roles such as health or agi or some damage modifier.

What do people think?

Any other mage counter play/skill ideas?
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Interesting thoughts and ideas happening here! Keep up the fun discussion <3