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Office Hours is an opportunity to join the player discussion on topics we're actively collecting feedback on. Join @Roshen and @Vaknar over in the Ashes of Creation Discord for a voice chat during our next Community Office Hours on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 11AM PDT (convert to your local time). This event should last about one hour.
This is not a Q&A session. For this session, we will be using Discord Stage. Every 8 minutes, we’ll be bringing up small groups of players to participate in one of the discussion prompts on this topic.
The Freehold system, based on what we shared during the June 2023 Development Update Livestream, will be our main focus this time. The forum feedback thread for this topic is here.
In this session, we’ll break each of the 8 minute segments up to focus on one of these conversations:
[*] General Freehold Discussion - Based on what we’ve discussed about the Freehold system, what are you most excited about, and what are your concerns?
[*] Artisan Buildings - Artisan buildings unlock the placement of crafting stations on your Freehold, and can provide additional benefits. What do you like about this, and what are your concerns?
[*] Business Buildings - What are your expectations for what owning and managing a Freehold business should look, feel, and play like?
[*] Crops and Livestock - How do you feel about the systems shown for planting crops on your Freehold? How do you feel about raising livestock and collecting resources from them?
[*] Freehold Design and Customization - You won’t be able to do everything at the same time on a single Freehold. What are your thoughts on needing to make choices when designing your Freehold, regarding which buildings to build, and/or how you will make room for crops and livestock?
If you’d like to contribute to this discussion, we recommend you watch the “Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Freehold Update” video and read the “Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds” article before this Community Office Hours session.
Thanks again! We look forward to chatting with you all soon!