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I love playing pet classes in MMO. I like the relaxing play style where I just need to buff/heal and watch my minions do the work. But modern MMORPG seems to have problem developing actual pet classes.

Tried a few different MMORPG recently and their summoner classes seem to be either:

  • Just another mage where their 'summoning' skills are just spells with dramatic glorified animations

  • Stupid annoying AI with almost no initiative/you need to spoon-feed the pet's every action because the devs want to prevent afk bot farming with summon pets

This game seems interesting and I hope the devs find a way to make pet classes work. Pray they won't end up reworking summoner classes for the 15th time like FF14 is doing.

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over 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by JHatter

no one knows, even in the closed tests I dunno if people can even multiclass yet

During our recent Alpha One testing, three archetypes were available - Cleric, Tank, and Mage. We're excited to show off more of our archetypes like the Summoner as we get closer to testing their classes and skills with our community!