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Taunt/Hate systems are great for PvE but not so much in PvP (usually implemented as a hard CC - which is meh).
Can you adapt the system so it works in PvP?

Identity of the Tank is to:
[*] be a threatening presence to the enemy
[*] engage the enemy on the front line
[*] absorb damage(and other stuff) on behalf of the team

- building 'Hate' on other players prevents them from casting non-offensive abilities, but lets them cast offensive abilities as normal. The hate debuff is removed when enough damage is dealt to the tank, and then non-offensive abilities can be cast again.

What this would do:
[*] If a tank gets into the backlines, the healers and supports are screwed until DPS party members free them from the hate Debuff
[*] This naturally means the Tank is always a threat that cannot be ignored
[*] This naturally means the Tank will get focused if they reach the backlines
[*] This naturally means the Tank will absorb enemy DPS for his team

I think this preserves the core identity of the Tank and allows them to make great plays in PvP.

Are there ways to exploit this idea?
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Identity of the Tank is to:
[*] be a threatening presence to the enemy
[*] engage the enemy on the front line
[*] absorb damage(and other stuff) on behalf of the team


So, with that being said on Tank identity, I'd ask - *should* Tanks have an effective taunt ability in PvP at all, or is their identity as a Tank strong and potent enough in PvP that it doesn't require it? Good topic!