over 2 years
ago -
Ashes of Creation
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | foreign |
9s | to our sixth annual extra life event |
13s | if this is your first time tuning in boy |
16s | do we have a fun time in store for you |
19s | there |
24s | oh no I almost knocked my tower out |
27s | two one hands up |
31s | I think we have a clear winner here |
35s | your second one's not bad |
38s | yeah yours looks good |
44s | let's see both those pretty Stevens is |
46s | good |
47s | make a play for for why you think yours |
50s | is the best Stephen go first if you see |
52s | mine you'll you'll be able to tell that |
54s | he comes from a long lineage of of |
56s | snails that were once um hunted for |
58s | their uh flesh but his his tribe |
62s | overcame those Hunters they were known |
64s | as the um Orcs of Barbary Bay and they |
68s | would hunt them for their snail flesh |
71s | but they overcame that and they passed |
74s | their own way in life |
76s | um and this represents no this |
78s | represents that journey I think for |
81s | drawing blind I'm just surprised my |
83s | shell actually looks like a shell oh |
84s | that's true it is and I do have a trail |
86s | may not look like slime but oh it's like |
89s | little poops those are Pebbles but |
91s | little Pebbles I'm happy with it it's a |
93s | little but I do like yours it looks more |
95s | like that Steven is the picture in this |
97s | challenge wiggle this is Chubby Bunny |
99s | one calling Chubby Bunny two Chubby |
101s | Bunny two Chubby Bunny three stand by |
103s | Chubby Bunny three Chubby Bunny |
104s | Chubby Bunny fours reporting it which |
108s | everybody too is ready Chubby Bunnies |
110s | online stand by to standby standing by |
112s | over |
113s | Chubby Bunny crew online |
116s | Chubby Bunny three to go |
118s | chubby bunny |
122s | chubby bunny |
126s | chubby bunny |
130s | chubby bunny |
131s | go ahead |
138s | things |
141s | every morning |
169s | time |
174s | like another problem |
202s | you have to happen |
210s | bunny |
223s | food |
239s | that was good |
245s | you won three two one go |
251s | One Beat at a time |
252s | it is done mine's obscene all right |
255s | let's count how many beans official bean |
258s | counter mine's obscene |
260s | so it's only three three versus nine |
265s | nine I am the beat Champion bring on the |
268s | next challenge come forth new Challenger |
271s | face my awesomeness |
274s | with concentration on the bullcrap all |
278s | right three two one go |
286s | next victim I think you're also looks |
289s | like Cliff is certainly the player the |
291s | player on the left I think is at |
293s | disadvantage |
294s | yeah because they're facing me |
296s | sir thank you you have been undefeated |
298s | thank you thank you for being an |
299s | exceptional Challenge on my final |
301s | celebration of Victory the Lord shall |
304s | now commence okay |
306s | right during your Transit here to the |
310s | wreckage of Carfin |
312s | you observed the rivers |
315s | as being impassable |
320s | except of course by Bridge |
324s | the reason for this |
328s | is the fires that you saw |
332s | these magical fires that were |
335s | encompassing the entirety of the river |
341s | in addition |
345s | you saw burn bodies |
347s | devoured by the Blazing water |
352s | you also saw |
354s | as you exited the under Realm |
356s | some of these bodies |
358s | moved as dark figures shambling in the |
361s | distance |
363s | their burn corpses still moving even |
365s | beneath the water and crawling ashore |
368s | with violent intense |
372s | this you can only assume after having |
375s | recovered from the lich's body a number |
378s | of notes detailing |
381s | what the dean was attempting to |
383s | accomplish at the tower Laria Lamont |
386s | one of the most important Mages that the |
389s | alien Empire had at the time |
393s | being the headmistress at Carfin |
396s | she was attempting to cast a spell that |
399s | would buy time for the capital |
401s | and you know |
404s | that in the process of that attempt the |
407s | letters read that she requires a willing |
410s | participant |
413s | someone by the name pulsifer |
418s | volunteered his Essence to expand |
421s | in the ritual as a blood sacrifice |
426s | only the most desperate of Acts |
430s | that would be undertaken |
432s | from the last moments of time |
435s | escaped them and as the legions in the |
439s | letters detailed walked past the tower |
443s | Laria Lamont decided to do a desperate |
446s | Act |
447s | and listen to advice from an unknown |
450s | origin |
452s | that she was able to communicate with |
456s | taking that risk unfortunately proved |
458s | faithful |
459s | fatal as it or well I guess faithful too |
463s | because what came to be |
467s | was the despair you see now at Carfin |
471s | the root of which you have yet to |
472s | discover however at the entry level |
477s | you do know this |
479s | as you walk into the interior of level |
482s | one move your pieces to the entrance |
487s | you discover |
490s | the arcanium |
492s | the large library with a grand hall |
494s | running throughout its spiral staircases |
497s | lead up to floor two |
500s | this ornate space |
503s | was devoted to research and magical |
506s | exhibits |
507s | however now are which in despair |
510s | disrepair |
512s | the walls house alcoves |
517s | which contain various sizes of statues |
523s | Stone bookcases pedestals and benches |
525s | docked the grounds by the way this is |
528s | all accurate |
529s | visually as I'm describing |
531s | to what the actual point of interest in |
534s | Alpha 2 contains |
538s | pedestals and benches dot the grounds |
542s | blood pools along the floor |
546s | appearing to emanate from the floors |
549s | above trickling down the Walls along the |
553s | interior and exterior of the wreckage |
558s | you see before entering a large |
562s | explosive and destructive event has |
565s | occurred near the top of the tower you |
568s | don't know what and cannot tell from |
569s | this distance |
573s | as you navigate into the first level |
580s | you discover a number of animated |
582s | statues missing from their alcoves |
586s | they assault the party |
589s | as you quickly defeat the animated |
591s | statues on the first level how much |
594s | damage seven how much seven points of |
596s | damage each |
598s | as you advance further |
600s | you discover |
604s | that the second floor known as the |
607s | administrate |
610s | as various private offices where Wizards |
615s | and professors could work on their |
618s | studies and peace |
620s | a large Lounge area is on the floor for |
624s | wizards to have meetings and take breaks |
627s | the historical archives are magically |
629s | stored here as well as the paperwork |
633s | containing a number of topics on all |
636s | sorts of things such as history of the |
638s | local area |
640s | and wizard lease research papers on |
642s | various topics and studies within the |
645s | essence |
648s | there is also the entryway to an Arcane |
651s | elevator |
653s | which Rises up through the rest |
658s | of the levels in the tower |
661s | it rests at the center of the second |
663s | level |
666s | a number of flying Arcane books come out |
669s | of the |
672s | bookcases |
675s | and mimics |
677s | attack your party in a mix of all sorts |
681s | from laboratory equipment to study |
685s | materials the crystal Halls as you ride |
688s | the Arcane elevator to the third floor |
691s | you do not exit because you must make |
694s | haste |
695s | to the top |
697s | but you see out from the elevator a |
699s | collection of viewing galleries |
701s | remarkably well preserved |
705s | older construct models and previous |
707s | foundational magical theories are |
709s | presented here in a format reminiscent |
711s | of a museum |
716s | meant to impress |
718s | would be magical students patrons |
720s | foreign dignitaries |
722s | the advanced crystals architectures |
726s | and lavish decorations |
730s | are on display |
731s | unknown |
734s | Laria and varric during their ritual |
738s | in desperation |
740s | to Grant more time to the capital |
743s | as was requested by the council and the |
747s | royal family both |
749s | they performed an unknown |
753s | repercussions from this ritual |
755s | the mass killing |
759s | of so many |
761s | burn victims from the explosion of the |
764s | ritual |
765s | caused a corruption to grip both Laria |
769s | and varric |
774s | this corrupt Mist began flowing down |
778s | from the tower its source unknown to you |
780s | just yet |
784s | but its effects have turned the |
786s | residents of Carfin |
788s | Undead |
790s | and in the surrounding areas and along |
793s | the rivers Edge |
797s | it did however have the effect |
801s | caused the Ancients and inability to |
803s | cross the waters |
806s | and so they began to construct |
811s | an apparatus of Their Own |
813s | could get their Legions across to the |
815s | Capitol |
816s | but this bought the time necessary you |
819s | was you would assume |
822s | these levels open up |
825s | and at the fourth floor |
828s | you see Halls reserved for only the most |
831s | private of wizards |
835s | these Artisans use these Halls as |
838s | research labs |
840s | and also |
841s | a construct boundary |
845s | built to be deliberately secure and |
847s | private the winding Halls lead into an |
850s | open experiment room |
853s | where Mages would tinker |
855s | with ways of improving construct through |
858s | more unethical means |
861s | a number of them have been left |
863s | unattended |
865s | but you are able to sneak around them |
869s | to reach the Nexus gate this floor |
871s | contains a large summoning and sacrifice |
874s | room |
876s | the Mages here originally used it as a |
878s | Teleport Nexus but |
882s | as the world fell into ruin |
886s | this was transformed into a sacrificial |
889s | chamber |
891s | the small quarantine and Customs rooms |
894s | changed into jailing cells |
897s | as the Mages over recent weeks turned to |
900s | more desperate rituals to deal |
904s | with the collapse of Vera |
908s | compromising |
911s | their ethics |
913s | and their conscience |
916s | they perform forms of magic |
921s | none should ever see long forbidden |
925s | long forgotten |
928s | only to the ancient students was this |
930s | known |
933s | and it turns out the unknown voice from |
935s | which was aiding and abetting her |
937s | Pursuits |
939s | was indeed an ancient one familiar with |
942s | this world one who treated |
946s | with a member |
948s | of your kind in the past |
951s | known as aatrax |
954s | you might be a villain |
957s | the one beyond the void who was giving |
959s | Laria |
960s | the information she needed to perform |
962s | the ritual she did |
964s | at ulterior motives |
968s | its effects now seen on the grounds |
969s | around the tower as Undead Rome the |
973s | countryside |
975s | just like to say |
977s | that I fight this fight in the name of |
979s | my ancestors who died during the |
981s | Cretaceous and Jurassic periods |
984s | and that their memory shall forever |
986s | endure go |
989s | they're closed again Brian's they're |
991s | Sims in for an early strike oh my gosh |
994s | that's a hit that's a hit |
996s | that is a hit for sure |
1000s | Point Sim it is now one zero and go |
1006s | oh he's looking close okay he's got oh |
1010s | that's what it is he totally lured him |
1012s | in and beat him down it is now tied two |
1016s | to two this is the final moment |
1022s | go |
1024s | oh oh oh no and that's it Steve has one |
1029s | Steve scored the first hit and Steve is |
1034s | the new Champion |
1036s | dinosaur lightsaber combat oh look at |
1041s | them bonding after the experience |
1044s | first this is amazing completely amazing |
1049s | and upset that's right he's handing the |
1052s | sword over and there you go Phantom ball |
1057s | champion |
1062s | thank you ladies and gentlemen for |
1064s | another exciting episode of Dinosaur |
1066s | lightsaber comeback |
1069s | cats who are present here today |
1072s | I want you to note that this hurts me |
1074s | more than it hurts you okay and that |
1077s | directly after receiving the pies to the |
1080s | face and the eggs I will be moving uh |
1082s | with haste to the shower and then likely |
1085s | to bed uh so I'll bid you a do here and |
1087s | now okay it was a wonderful campaign |
1093s | first question was correct with the |
1095s | answer |
1098s | hey Chris Steven |
1100s | oh Greenhouse greenhouse effect was |
1103s | correct |
1107s | who the hell the hell Robbie Roy |
1109s | well there you go Robbie who is Robbie |
1111s | Roy |
1113s | Oh Oh It's Pat okay what is Paco Paco I |
1117s | feel terrible and you're right Chad I |
1119s | saw you guys saying some of it it was |
1120s | Paco Paco and Stephen King ladies and |
1122s | gentlemen I would like to thank you for |
1126s | showing up |
1128s | what happened |
1131s | I can't see I can't see I want to thank |
1135s | you all for showing up we had an awesome |
1137s | time it was a fun campaign you learned a |
1140s | little bit about the world of Vera |
1141s | that's going to be in Alpha 2 and the |
1143s | Tower of carpet and its wreckage and |
1145s | demise we raised over 73 |
1148s | 000 dollars |
1150s | an extra life what an awesome awesome |
1153s | Community showing up |
1156s | and representing all the goodness that |
1160s | lives in every Gamer's heart for the |
1162s | children at Rady's Children's Hospital |
1164s | we cannot thank you enough for showing |
1167s | up and being the shining example on a |
1169s | hill of what a community means to be in |
1171s | the MMO genre thank you all and we will |
1175s | see you at the end of this month I hope |
1177s | you guys have an awesome week and we did |
1179s | an awesome job bye everybody |
1185s | foreign |