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Will taverns be pvp free zones? If so, will corrupted players not be able to enter them?

What’s your thoughts on Taverns being havens for the wary traveller?
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
We haven't stated whether taverns within nodes will be safe zones. Assuming they're not, then in theory PvP could happen within them. However, PvP cannot happen in Freeholds (minus certain exceptions).

Aside from that, there are some neat ideas in this thread! Keep it up ^_^
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link


We haven't stated whether taverns within nodes will be safe zones. Assuming they're not, then in theory PvP could happen within them. However, PvP cannot happen in Freeholds (minus certain exceptions).

Aside from that, there are some neat ideas in this thread! Keep it up ^_^

Can you clarify what happens in a Freehold Tavern?

"Tavern security
It is unlikely that there will be mechanisms to kick or ban people from player-owned taverns.[33]

There are plenty of mechanics for you to exercise your dislike of another player especially through PvP and we don't want to hard code in divisive systems, such as either excluding movement of a player character into a certain area, such as your Tavern; or banning somebody through that method.[33] – Steven Sharif

If we can't PvP inside a Freehold, and we're not getting Kick/Ban functions because of PvP, which will work here?


We'll do our best to get to this question (and many other Freehold questions) on this month's stream! <3