Transcript (by Youtube)

1s dude this bear is Beefy he's a
4s onear oh God yeah wow what happened to
7s you Brian he's chasing me so hard he's
9s chasing me run I can't I'm slow I'm com
12s back I'm coming back oh dude you look
15s you pulled the two star named no I don't
18s know if we can go through that you guys
20s these are like level 11 I got I got one
22s more on me and the Bear's down the
24s Bear's down okay the next one much
26s healing oh Hur it's okay it's okay
30s oh that's Growler yeah he's got fat loot
34s I want it kill him he's a two star yeah
37s we got
40s this cuz you're too far away from me
43s that's so Weir sorry okay I'm pulling
45s aggro oh you know what that was probably
48s not a good idea yeah that was probably
50s not a good idea oh my
51s God yeah you're you're a mage man oh
55s we're wiping it's a tpw