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What are people's thoughts on currency? Are people wanting something simple such as just Gold and Silver? Or are people wanting multiple currencies that may pertain to each zone? I have found in Games such as wow.. one of the big complaints is that there are to many currencies to organize or collect to buy items(to then never use it afterwards)

What I believe would be ideal is to have silver and gold (repair costs, buy ingredients, rewards for a bounty hunt, etc)... and then each playable race to have a currency (purchase armors, mounts, pay for caravans, buy a home of that style ) Then at a trade house or auction house, one can pay a fee to purchase or sell that racial currency, for Gold or silver.
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
As fun as currency exchanging is IRL, I'd be afraid to have to think of it in a game as well (╯ ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)╯┻━┻
Could you imagine a Verra where each region, race, or node has its own currency?