about 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
17s hello everyone and Welcome to our ashes
20s of creation
22s December development update we hope that
24s You' been having I know it is our last
29s uh development update for the year
31s that's crazy to say 2023 that is crazy
34s to say yeah the book is closing on 2023
37s but 2024 is going to be a very exciting
41s one for us if you haven't been following
43s along um Alpha 2 is happening in 2024
47s but we'll be you know stick around to
49s the end we might have some other uh
50s little announcements for you yeah um of
53s course we hope that you all have been
54s staying safe and you know there's a lot
57s going on in the world right now so we we
59s wish you all happiness and safety
60s especially coming into this holiday
62s season um but we've got some lot of good
66s things to talk about as you can see from
67s below we have uh our reminders today
71s with some good good ones in there uh
73s Ranger update so those of you who are
76s Ranger folks out there definitely get
78s your bows prepared uh knock those arrows
81s because we are we are going to be
83s shooting all kinds of things today yes
86s and it's been a while since we've had a
88s uh since we've had an archetype show
90s case the last one was the cleric which
91s was several months ago that's true and
94s we have shown a preview of The Rangers
96s so if you have been following us for a
98s while you've seen a little bit of it but
99s it has changed quite a bit and there are
101s a lot of a lot more abilities to
103s showcase for you all and there's still
105s more to come so this is just still even
108s even just the cusp of it um so stick
111s around with us we got we got a journey
113s um we'll do a little Studio update and
114s of course we have some cool art from our
116s art team that they love to share with
117s you guys and then we'll do a Q&A and
119s then you know we might have something
121s else at the end so stick around um so
124s with that I'll go through the
126s updates also Steph's background looks
129s like it's fake but I know it's real like
132s I know that's what your office looks
134s like and every single time I see it it's
136s very it looks like one fake backgrounds
139s I know it's very festive I thought you
142s know it's December Christmas maybe we'll
144s do a little bit of the Christmas's
146s Background by the way I love your tree
147s in the background that Phoenix tree holy
149s smoke
151s how cool is that so at the end of
153s Christmas does it just burn away like it
155s burns into Ash and then it reignites
157s next next season I got the flocked tree
160s specifically because I was like it gives
161s the ashes Vibe yes yeah oh it totally
165s does I think it looks great I love it
167s this together in 20 minutes while baking
170s broccoli we we both have an element of
173s fire in the background I got the
174s fireplace you've got the Phoenix fire
176s tree that's kind of cool I put a festive
178s sweater on well it's actually a dress
180s but you can't see it so John said I
183s can't I can't wear the uh the um intrep
186s shirt I have to do something that's like
187s winry look so he wanted me to wear the
189s ja I was going to never I don't know if
191s I've ever seen you wear like a white
192s sweater before it looks good looks good
195s um but we are all festive it is uh I
198s think even our PI folks because we have
199s like a pi meeting that we do every month
201s they were like you guys are so chill
203s you're calm I think I'm like I think
204s it's the Calm Before the Storm at the
206s end it's the storm yeah I was about to
207s say it's that just everyone's bracing
209s breathing in hold tight
212s hold that's what's happening the team
215s has been working really hard and we'll
216s talk a little bit more about that in our
217s studio update but of course um let's get
220s into our reminders uh thank you all for
223s joining us we hope that you are just as
225s excited as as us for the end of this
227s year um and of course our first one here
230s is our YouTube subscriber comment
232s Spotlight don't forget that if you
234s subscribe to our YouTube channel make
235s sure you have that public and then also
239s uh leave a comment on our next Dev
240s update so this update when it goes live
243s um and you too could be spotlighted this
246s uh this week's Spotlight or this month
248s Spotlight is infinitely random and they
250s want to know any plans to add AI voices
253s to speechless text NPCs and I thought
257s we've talked a little bit about this
259s topic before so those of you who have
261s been with us for a long time may have
262s heard an answer but I thought maybe this
264s could be a cool way for us to also talk
266s about AI in general and where our senses
268s on that because obviously it's a thing
270s in this industry of this last year
272s especially yeah I I think that um some
276s of the technology and the advancements
278s that we've
279s seen you know not just within the gaming
282s industry but a broad uh scope of AI
286s influence um is something that we are
289s keeping a close eye on and we have some
291s plans to investigate and inspect a few
294s of the designs and approaches that we've
296s taken uh particularly as it relates I
298s think to this question um and AI voice
302s uh over potential um to influence our
305s narrative loops and how players interact
308s with uh with General AI dialogue and um
313s there is an opportunity there uh but
315s it's not one that we have fully explored
317s yet although it is on the docket for the
319s first part of next year uh for us to
321s analyze what potential exists uh from a
324s leveraging standpoint for this for this
326s new tech um and I would say stay tuned
330s uh stay tuned next year as we give
331s updates um you'll likely see some things
334s perhaps even in Alpha 2 um that could
337s relate to that we'll see um but it is
340s something we are aware of and we are
341s keeping close tabs on how to integrate
343s um and leverage as part of uh
347s ashes all right hopefully that that
352s gives you enough fuel for your answer
354s there infinitely random and we
355s appreciate you subscribing to our
357s Channel and showing us some love uh
360s reminder also that hold on a second I
364s need to turn off these notifications if
365s you're hearing that I apologize was my
368s slack notification going
370s off uh we also have our um Dev
375s discussions up right now we have one and
378s we had teased this last time about uh
380s drop Rarity how do you feel when it
382s comes to rare loot do you prefer when
385s rare mobs and bosses bosses drop
387s something interesting often or less let
390s us know what your thoughts are I mean I
392s know most of you are out there hunting
393s for gear progression um and you
396s definitely have thoughts on this so
398s please please head on over to our forums
400s and give us your thoughts on it so that
402s we can wrap that report up and send it
404s over to our development team and our
406s next one is going to be utility skills
408s so if you're interested in you know what
411s and I think even someone put in a
413s question that was specifically about
414s like different types of abilities and
415s things like that so if you have thoughts
418s make sure that you are sharing them with
420s us because the development team is uh
423s pretty adamant about checking out our
425s reports we always that's a big question
427s that's a big question too I mean I
429s remember some of the some of the games
431s that I have played some MMOs in the past
433s where this was long before the
435s standardized modernization of like every
439s participant gets a bound item when the
441s raid ends this was like no the The Raid
444s boss was a loot pinata and maybe it took
446s a hundred people to kill it but it only
447s dropped like six or seven complete items
451s and you had to orchestrate like
453s alliances would orchestrate their own
455s like itemization owner who would like
457s keep a list of the participants that
460s were attending yeah absolutely and you
463s would have to assign that out I mean
464s that was the old school way of
466s approaching it so when you guys go I
469s like it too personally and and when you
471s go it makes it more challenging and it
473s makes the replayability of it is there
475s because you you need it and you know you
478s extend it to alts if there's drops that
480s like you know are too common or whatever
483s yeah this is a great topic for you guys
485s to go and and comment on uh on the
487s forums and kind of give your experiences
489s and expectations um because it helps to
492s validate our approach um or give us
494s considerations that perhaps we hadn't
496s thought of yeah um oftentimes I will say
500s that when we're going through these
501s reports it's always like the dev team's
503s like yep yep yep yep they're already
504s they're like on the same page as you
506s guys which I think for the most part is
508s pretty awesome there are some cas where
510s obviously we're going to follow our
511s design passion and love because we're
513s like you don't think you want this but
515s you do um and we'll test those out and
518s like Stephen always says in our Alpha
521s and beta phases even when we launch you
523s know if there's a drastic feedback we're
526s going to analyze that feedback we're
527s going to analyze the data we're going to
529s make sure that we're making good
530s decisions as we move forward because I
531s think that sometimes when I mean all of
533s us have played many MMOs or just games
536s in general and when developers aren't
539s willing to like
540s see the side of the player then that's
542s the problem but fortunately we are all
544s players uh so that is that is the beauty
546s of it and we are playing our game every
548s day it is
551s exciting um and of course we did do a
555s holiday delicious St discussion that we
558s had posted up on the forums and it looks
561s like the tul Nar theme recipes for the
563s Del delicious Dev discussions uh as well
566s as the bonus Junior recipes are up on
569s the Forum so congratulations to the tar
572s they won um I loved working with Cody
576s did an amazing job AKA Vagner uh did an
579s amazing job putting these together and
580s coming up with the recipes I think I
583s have like a
584s little asset here that was cute there we
587s go thank you Mike for that um this isn't
591s all of the recipes but it's kind of cute
593s uh and of course we'll also post them
595s not in an image like this with just the
597s text uh vnar has been really conscious
599s of that because obviously some of you
600s guys are want to copy paste it or
602s translate it for your your localization
605s um so yeah enjoy that we're excited we
607s hope that you'll make some of these uh
609s delicious meals as well so send them to
611s us over on our Twitter Facebook or
613s anywhere all of our social channels uh
615s if you do end up making these over the
617s holiday break we would love to see them
619s um but uh yeah we're excited I'm really
623s excited for the glow-in-the-dark noodles
625s the underwhelm noodles oh my God that'd
628s be cool how did you get them glow-in-the
629s darkk
630s uh he there's like a a thing in there if
633s you look I can't remember what the piece
635s is it's like sounds the tiny text that
637s I'm looking at sounds like some
639s significant carcinogens that probably
642s in I did say that too I was like uh I
645s don't know if that's healthy yeah
650s exactly it was it was funny but um we
653s are just to be clear these recipes are
655s not evaluated by the FDA in any way
657s shape or
658s form that's fair that's fair um you know
663s create them at your own will you don't
665s have to eat them you can just create it
668s um and of course uh don't forget to
670s share your creations with us we we we do
672s want to see them if you do end up doing
673s it um and if you enjoyed that definitely
676s give us feedback on the forums over
677s there uh that you enjoyed seeing the
679s recipes or doing that type of thing and
681s getting kind of an insight into some of
683s the recipes for the different races um
686s next up we just have a reminder that our
689s unseen order Cosmetics will be ending on
691s January 17th 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific
694s so if you would like a pre-order pack uh
697s now is the time to grab a pre-order pack
699s uh you know we will be assessing our uh
703s server capacity and things of that sort
705s and and like where we're at in regards
707s to that as we go into Alpha 2 so we may
709s expand um the ability to get access to
713s Alpha 2 in other ways but this is the
715s last pre-order pack that will be
716s available so if you are interested in
718s that it is a great deal you get a lot of
720s goodies in it um for a price that is
723s less than the worth of the whole value
725s of the package if I it is it is
728s happening yes because there is time too
730s that's Incorporated in that like game
732s time and game time is expensive um very
735s true and there's also an FAQ up so if
738s you are if you have questions in regards
740s to anything um there's answers for you
743s over there and like I said there will be
745s other opportunities potentially to get
746s access to Alpha 2 it's just that we are
749s trying to close things down to make sure
750s that we're in a good space and we're
752s ready and we know what our concurrency
754s is going to be when we go into that as
756s many of you have played many MMOs we
757s want to make sure that the server
759s experience is in a good place um and
763s next up we have just a reminder of the
766s content creator program uh it is still
769s up for application Phase we will
771s probably be closing the application
772s Phase for a little bit of time um as
774s we're going through those uh we're going
776s to be hiring on some content creator Rel
779s folks and powering through that soon so
781s if you're interested or if you're
783s already on it then you're good to go or
785s if you're already on it and you need to
786s edit it you should be able to go to that
788s form and edit it and update anything
790s that you want as well um we will do our
793s best to get back to everybody step wants
795s us to get back to everyone even if
796s you're not in the program so you have a
798s confirmation of whether you are or
799s aren't and then also we are working out
802s an academic PR program too for people
805s who maybe aren't in the quite ready for
807s the program but we think with a little
809s training they could be um to give them
812s some advice so it's going to be a lot of
814s Staffing that we need to do on our end
815s but I think that in the long run we're
817s going to have a really really cool
819s content creator program uh like I
822s haven't seen any other company before
823s agreed I've worked for yeah so yeah and
826s and it's an important part right content
828s creators are a big portion of how the
831s company is able to communicate with its
833s audience um and it's important not only
835s to Foster the relationships but also to
838s hone the techniques and and I think that
840s this particular program is going to be
842s very useful for a lot of people um to
846s hone those techniques um to make to work
848s with folks and I do want to make it
850s clear we're not looking for people who
851s are only big creators right just because
854s we have 200 subscribers that that's not
856s a big deal to us we're still going to be
858s working with with you just as much as we
859s would work with somebody who has 200,000
862s um so it's really a matter of you know
865s how you're obviously going to get less
866s codes than that person because you have
868s less followers but like we're we're
869s going to make sure that you you know
871s you're engaged with us that you get the
872s information that you need but it's also
874s still fair to our other users I think
876s that's also important I think a lot of
877s us have played in games where like
878s content creators get benefits that are
880s like better than everybody else you're
881s like what it really is more of about
883s relationship beyond that we you know
886s I've been chatting with vnar and uh
888s rooshan as well there are other programs
890s that will come into play Down the Line
891s like guilds Artis those type of things
894s so if there's other things P stuff so as
897s as you're as we get closer to Launch
899s you'll see some of those programs come
900s online um or you know programs like that
903s come online uh based on what our users
905s are doing and and how we can engage with
907s you guys in order to make sure that
909s there's cool stuff that you can be doing
911s in in our community and whatever our
913s community is gravitating towards that's
914s where we're going to we're going to try
915s to help uplift you guys it's definitely
918s a mutual thing um so we really want to
920s be engaged with our audience unlike some
923s other games that we've been part of not
925s gonna call out names um and with that I
929s think I have covered all of our
932s reminders so uh do you want to preface
935s anything with the Rangers I do I do want
937s to preface some things so first of all I
939s do want to say that we have heard uh our
944s community uh with the way that we
946s present the live stream
949s showcases and I've asked Margaret to
952s prepare the YouTube video to launch
955s simultaneously with the um uh president
959s presentation on Twitch so for those of
961s you here's what I would ask who want to
963s go watch it in 4k while the stream is
965s still continuing um you can do so on
968s Youtube it'll be up in just a few
970s moments right when we started here uh
972s but make sure that you're still offering
974s your comments and twitch because I do
975s read those Margaret reads them the team
977s reads them um it's very important uh and
981s come and join us afterwards for the
982s discussion as well so you're not allowed
984s to leave necessarily you can't just go
985s watch the Youtube video and then sign
987s off you have to still watch
989s if you haven't noticed I grabb questions
991s from channel from the channel um ran and
994s Beckner both pop questions over here in
996s the different various places that
997s they're at so we are if you want if you
999s have questions along the way while
1001s you're watching making sure that you
1002s posted in like our twitch channel uh is
1005s very important so that we can U get your
1007s answers for you absolutely 100% now
1010s about the Showcase so as Margaret said
1013s and and as you guys have been
1014s anticipating uh we are going to be
1016s looking at the ranger Arch type and
1019s again this is a work in progress the UI
1022s is still very much a functional UI the
1025s VFX still have multiple rounds of passes
1028s that need to be done on them um but this
1030s gives you an understanding kind of of
1032s the direction that the archetype
1034s progression and development has gone as
1036s it relates specifically to the Ranger
1038s and of course you can derive from that
1040s insights for other classes and other
1042s archetypes and how they will interact um
1044s this is a a very fun showcase obviously
1047s with the combat team um Trad Brian and
1050s Keenan joined me they've been regulars
1051s on the show uh in the past the last time
1053s we've discussed the ranger uh was
1056s actually in 20122 and it was a very
1058s brief discussion about ranged basic
1061s weapon combat with a few uh maybe two or
1064s three Ranger abilities sliced in today
1067s you're going to be watching near 1H hour
1069s presentation that talks about upwards of
1072s 1819 different abilities with some 20
1075s odd passives and um weapon progression
1078s tree
1080s when you Analyze This I did turn off
1083s cooldowns of course at the beginning to
1085s kind of demonstrate each of the
1086s abilities I turn them back on afterwards
1089s um very two important things to keep
1090s into to keep in mind when you're
1092s thinking about feedback um and you're
1094s thinking about um uh essentially uh what
1098s you want to share about your thoughts
1099s for the presentation is um on the
1102s abilities the status conditions that get
1104s applied and how they promote um the role
1108s excuse me the role of the archetype as
1110s well um being a ranger uh and not seeing
1114s you know potentially a lot of melee
1115s abilities but a lot of range so focus on
1117s those two aspects the interconnectivity
1119s with the other classes from a group
1120s perspective uh and each of the
1122s individual um uh abilities we're going
1124s to be it's not to say that you could not
1126s spec more melee oriented absolutely
1128s right I just want correct yes and very
1131s clear to remember this is base archetype
1133s so this is not class this is not the
1135s combination of your secondary which will
1136s fundamentally change to the augment
1138s system uh some of those basic abilities
1140s so without further Ado enjoy the
1143s presentation we'll see you on the flip
1146s [Music]
1150s [Applause]
1151s [Music]
1166s side hello everyone and welcome to
1168s another day in Vera we have a very
1171s exciting stream for you today it has
1173s been some time since we have showed off
1175s a bit of the ranged combat and today we
1178s are going to be talking about the ranger
1181s Arch type with some 17 18 19 skills I
1185s can't remember what we're going to be
1186s showcasing today in the base archetype
1187s but it is a whole lot of Ranger um and I
1191s have joining us today three of our
1193s glorious developers two of our senior
1195s designers TRD and Brian TRD Brian how
1198s you guys
1199s doing doing good glad to be here I think
1202s it's been a couple since uh we did our
1203s last combat showcase I
1206s know I'm doing great happy to show off
1209s the ranger yeah you've been putting a
1210s lot of work on this uh Brian I know this
1212s is not just me the whole team absolutely
1215s the whole team but you Rangers are near
1216s and dear to Your Heart Right aren't you
1218s a ranger player don't you play some
1219s Rangers yes yeah it it's definitely one
1221s of my favorite um favorite classes
1224s they're often not done Justice in games
1226s so get getting the opportunity to do
1228s right by Ranger Mains makes me happy yes
1231s and then of course The Man Behind the
1233s magic the senior engineer uh and the
1236s owner for the PC uh core team Keenan how
1239s you doing
1241s Keenan H I'm alive happy to be here
1244s though yeah this is by the way this is a
1247s really cool environment I see Carin in
1250s the background we're here in Winter it
1253s is uh it's definitely giving me the the
1255s Christmas Vibes um and it is it is
1259s beautiful I mean the environment team
1260s holy smokes what an amazing
1264s job I love the snow everything it feels
1268s so cozy um it does now we have see I'm
1274s in your party we have established from
1276s some from some feedback from the
1278s community on the showcasing uh that a
1281s little one by one of each ability before
1286s we get into any combat situations with
1288s some mobs or NPCs is desired um it's a
1291s nice clean way for us to kind of
1293s showcase uh obviously all the hard work
1296s that's gone into the creation of this
1298s excuse me into the creation of this
1299s archetype I apologize for coughing guys
1302s I've I've recently recently got it got
1305s sick and I'm still recovering a little
1307s bit but um I am doing much better now so
1311s um I think this is a great place with is
1313s like some dried up riverbed or something
1315s looks pretty cool uh got some nice
1317s colors in here now obviously as a
1320s disclaimer before we begin I do want to
1322s say that UI VFX 100% a work in progress
1327s oh my God there's a bird up there and I
1330s got oh thank you good a scary little
1332s bird um the uh the UI is a work in
1335s progress the VFX are work in progress
1337s everything here is subject to change uh
1340s through testing obviously Alpha 2 coming
1341s up is going to be a big opportunity for
1343s us to test a lot of this stuff um so
1346s please keep that in mind especially you
1347s content creators out there who going to
1348s do some review videos make sure you
1350s mention that uh at the start of your
1352s videos um Keenan how do you feel about
1355s being a targeting dummy for the Showcase
1358s of these
1360s abilities I'll tank it all right let's
1362s do that and do you have a Healer dread
1365s very all right Tad's got you it's all on
1367s me here all right there we go all right
1369s so I H I am now no longer in your party
1372s so that I can murder you um but I have
1375s set my uh cooldowns to 0.1 I believe so
1379s that I can show each of these abilities
1381s off um multiple times as we're talking
1383s about it so please keep in mind guys as
1386s you're out there watching this display
1388s the cooldowns here are set to
1391s practically nothing um now we're going
1393s to do some combat afterwards I'll set
1395s cool cooldowns back um but during this
1398s display they're set to nothing let us
1399s showcase our first ability I see we have
1404s snipe and we showed snipe off last year
1406s when we did our um last ranged basic
1409s weapon uh combo update um and people got
1411s to see a little preview of it last month
1414s as well during our Artis ship review but
1417s talk to me about some of the changes
1419s that snipe has gone through and what
1421s this ability serves as a purpose Brian
1423s yeah so with snipe we've been leaning
1425s into it being an alpha strike ability so
1428s it's what you want to open with to deal
1430s massive damage and and since it's got
1432s that uh charge up time it you know it's
1435s not as good to do when you're needing to
1437s kite something something but whenever
1439s you're just opening on something that's
1441s un an unsuspecting Target it's it's the
1443s perfect ability for it and if you have
1445s spec choices there's other things that
1447s lean into it for instance you got that
1449s proc on you right now that's giving you
1450s 20% bonus attack speed on a successful
1454s oh very cool okay let me take a look at
1456s that fire it again fire it again you'll
1457s see it okay let me
1460s see yeah Trad helped with this he added
1463s this into the skill tree yeah just
1465s brocked on you there so oh there it is
1468s yeah so your follow-up shots will come
1469s out even
1472s quicker cool so that proc is happening
1474s because I have specked into a passive
1476s and let's take a look this is the first
1478s time that people have actually seen uh
1480s the progression tree for a particular uh
1483s Arch type uh in quite a while actually
1486s probably since our alpha 1 um but there
1488s has been a lot of work that's gone into
1489s this uh from you guys of course um talk
1492s to me a little bit about the different
1494s types of uh abilities we're seeing here
1497s uh Trad you want to take the this one
1498s cuz you put a lot of work into this sure
1500s I mean uh we're going to go through all
1502s these as we um go through and show show
1505s them off one by one but what you're
1506s seeing at a at a high level here is just
1509s what you pretty much expect of a
1511s traditional skill tree we're doing um
1513s something a little more advanced than
1515s just like a bottom up structure um
1517s because we're being a little bit more
1518s free form in this iteration this will
1520s obviously see more UI iterations in the
1522s future um but you you'll you'll see like
1524s a mix of active and passive abilities
1526s here actives are um indicated by their
1528s square shape while the circular ones are
1531s representing passes and um one thing to
1534s note as well is that these these passes
1536s are aiming to be a little more
1539s interesting than just like you know this
1541s ability does more damage now or this you
1543s know it has a lower cool down like we do
1546s have some of those too but um the goal
1549s with a lot of these passives in addition
1550s to that is to allow people to lean into
1553s unique play Styles so you'll you'll
1555s notice that some of them are are
1557s changing your gameplay in meaningful
1558s ways and that's the direction we want to
1560s take um player and character
1562s customization as a whole very cool yeah
1565s I love it um obviously you know this is
1567s all subject to intense feedback from uh
1570s the testers who will be participating as
1571s part of Alpha 2 um all of this stuff is
1574s subject to change as I said uh but it
1576s gives you guys a very good idea
1577s Direction wise and your feedback is of
1579s course why we do these development
1581s updates so please make sure um that you
1582s give us your thoughts uh back on this
1584s type of progression Tree in addition to
1586s the arch type progression tree we also
1589s have something that interacts with each
1592s of the archetypes and that is a weapon
1594s progression tree as well now obviously
1596s the format of this particular weapon
1598s skill tree that you're seeing here is a
1599s relatively simplistic one um but talk to
1602s me a little bit about the intent and
1604s purpose uh behind the weapon skill
1607s tree yeah so the the intent here is to
1610s give you choices either I want to extend
1613s and improve my combo or I want just
1616s passive benefits that increase my my
1618s attack speed or crit chance in this case
1620s with the short bow um and yeah as you
1622s can see the tree is a lot more simple um
1625s kind of like a stage one tree work in
1627s progress but it it'll get fancier over
1630s time and I see on the far right hand
1632s side Brian that there are additional
1634s combo steps um so let me actually unspec
1638s um these additional combo steps so that
1642s we can talk first about the basic um
1646s weapon combo I'm just going to
1648s demonstrate that here I'm going to use
1649s the short bow now this is a short bow we
1651s are using um you guys remember from last
1653s year when we showcased range weapons
1655s that we had obviously a number of them
1657s some of them Arcane some of them
1658s physical but the two bow types that we
1659s have are long bow and short bow I'm
1662s using the short bow as you can see it is
1664s a copper uh short bow um and let's see
1668s what this looks like without the combo
1673s upgrade that's four
1675s hits very cool so it's relatively rapid
1678s Pace um especially compared to that of
1681s the Longbow that you guys got to see a
1683s little while ago let us talk about
1685s specking now into these additional combo
1688s steps and what does that
1692s do oh you know what yes so um we we've
1696s done a lot of experimentation over the
1698s past couple months to find out what's
1701s what's the shortest and what's the
1702s longest combo that's acceptable um
1705s because we we had this goal where we
1706s wanted to have uh combo length
1709s progression available to players um so
1712s that certain builds could have longer
1713s weapon combos and other builds can have
1715s short shorter weapon combos with more
1717s passive effects um and and this has been
1720s the result of our exploration so when
1722s you start out you've got a a pretty
1724s quick four hit combo but whenever you
1726s unlock the additional hits you get the
1728s fifth and sixth hits which uh at
1731s approximately 50% to the overall combo
1733s length but we we found that that gave a
1736s pretty satisfying uh floor and ceiling
1739s to how long the combo can be it
1742s definitely I can feel absolutely the
1744s change obviously in the pace uh between
1748s not having spec into the to the combo um
1751s and getting those additional fifth and
1753s sixth steps so in addition to the later
1756s hits in the combo doing additional
1758s damage you also unlock proc effects so
1761s on your fifth hit um you unlock the
1763s special fifth hit which gives you 10%
1765s bonus crit uh Critical Strike which you
1768s just proc there and then the sixth hit
1771s you unlock the special six hit which
1772s gives you Arrow storm which causes your
1775s next I believe 10 attacks to fire an
1777s additional Arrow at the
1778s Target very cool um so that combos
1781s really well with rapid fire abilities
1784s such as the next ability we're going to
1785s be looking at all right let's take a
1787s look at barrage so barrage is as fir as
1790s a continual barrage of arrows at your
1792s target for 1 and a half seconds dealing
1794s 12% physical damage per Arrow okay let's
1797s take a look at this might not seem like
1800s a lot per Arrow but it fires a lot of
1802s arrows now that's a Char is this is this
1804s a Charged ability do I have multiple
1805s charges of this uh right now you only
1808s have one charge um and we we did some
1812s iterations with this um and a lot a lot
1814s of play testing um and yeah that we
1816s changed this back to only having one
1818s charge and you can reduce the cool down
1820s of this by completing a weapon combo
1822s okay all right let me see this so if I
1825s complete a weapon combo it would reduce
1827s the cool down right now I'm set to zero
1828s to cool down so we can show that off a
1830s little bit later um talk to me a little
1833s bit about head
1836s shot yeah head shot um it it starts off
1840s so there there's ways that you can spe
1841s specialize this that turn it into the
1843s execute that it's it it was born as
1846s originally um it it does pretty high
1849s damage but if you spec it appropriately
1851s it does bonus damage when the target's
1853s below 50% health and if the target is
1857s marked it has 50% reduced cool down I
1861s believe with the spec that you have oh
1863s cool
1864s okay so if I have a mark on the target
1867s then I get a 50% cool down yeah you get
1870s 50% reduced cooldown on head shot nice
1873s now we haven't talked about Marx before
1876s you want to talk to me a little bit
1877s about the intent behind um
1881s marks yep the in the intent behind marks
1885s is to provide a a burst wind on the
1888s target um often in other games it's just
1891s bonus damage this is much more
1893s significant on the impact that this will
1895s have on the target it's basically
1897s marking the target for death has a
1899s pretty huge effect uh for instance Mark
1901s of the tiger it grants 50% bonus
1904s critical chance to all attacks striking
1906s the target Mark of the bear is minus 25%
1909s armor and Mark of the Raven is a bonus
1912s hit that occurs every time the target is
1915s struck and it scales up in damage based
1917s on how low on health the target is okay
1920s so let me try Mark of the bear so this
1922s reduces their mitigation by 25% so when
1925s I use an ability first like headshot I
1928s just did 76 damage if I were to start
1932s headshot and then I can use the mark of
1934s the bear while I'm channeling the uh or
1937s casting the headshot um it'll it it will
1942s apply to the Target while while I'm
1944s essentially using headshot is that
1945s correct yeah correct uh Keenan and the
1948s engineers made us some awesome uh off
1950s you might know it in other games as off
1952s Global cooldown Tech uh we call it
1954s simultaneous casting and yeah that that
1956s allows you to uh cast your marks at the
1959s same time as other abilities allowing
1961s for a very efficient use of time awesome
1965s okay so now it's gone from him doing 76
1968s again wow that's a significant bump um
1971s yeah Mark of the bear is really good
1973s against tanky targets yeah that's
1975s awesome Mark of the Raven let's take a
1977s look at this
1979s I love the effect Scott has done such a
1981s great job with
1984s these yeah I I love that he decided to
1987s join the VFX team and come over and help
1989s us with combat he's doing a great job so
1991s far absolutely let's
1993s see oh they look great very cool that's
1997s awesome now in addition to um marks talk
2001s to me Trad a little bit about hunts what
2003s are the Hunts intended to
2005s do for sure um so unlike marks which are
2009s debuffs on the target um hunts are
2012s different Buffs you can put on yourself
2013s they're both themed pretty similarly um
2016s at first uh we had started with linking
2018s these two concepts directly like you
2020s would put the hunt on yourself and then
2022s shoot that hunt out as a Mark um and
2025s Infuse the target with that but we ended
2027s up kind of separating them just to make
2028s them a little bit more um independently
2031s and and freely usable um but the theming
2033s you can see is the same we've chosen the
2036s tiger bear and Raven
2038s um animals but they're um you know stay
2040s tuned for more um and yeah like like you
2043s guys are talking about um the visuals
2045s for these are are really cool um but
2048s yeah you you'll these are basically like
2050s like different Buffs that you will put
2052s on yourself and they do tend to have
2054s some Synergy with their respective um
2057s thematic
2059s creatures so I used Mark of the Raven
2061s this time I was doing 96 damage but
2063s that's because I had hunt of the Raven
2065s which is giv me additional physical pit
2067s penetration but let me use um let me use
2071s Mark of the bear on the target while
2073s having that hunt active and now instead
2075s of doing 117 I'm doing 179
2079s wow that's sign oh I'm doing 117 again
2082s but that's
2083s because let me see let me try this hold
2086s on Mark of the
2089s tiger oh that's creasing critical chance
2091s Mark of the bear
2093s is let's try
2096s that okay H maybe Keenan doesn't have
2099s enough armor for the extra to help oh
2102s poor Keenan not enough armor gray armor
2106s he's in kind of some newbie gear down
2108s there oh no okay all right but that is
2111s the thing about the armor pin is that
2113s will scale more and more effectively the
2115s more armored your target is so you can
2118s think of it as like a counter stat um
2120s for for people who build that up that
2122s looks awesome all right so now we also
2124s have scattershot and this is one of our
2126s first AOE abili ities uh talk to me a
2128s little bit about
2130s scattershot yes like you said it's a AOE
2133s ability it fires out in a cone in front
2135s of you um about 20 M ahead um and we've
2139s got some pretty cool Tech with this um
2141s the the first is where're we're drawing
2143s a targeting decal that only the Caster
2146s can see um to help like align the the
2149s cast as you're firing it um the second
2151s cool thing that we're doing here is you
2152s can actually charge the ability into a
2156s beam which is better for a lower amount
2159s of targets so if you just want to hit a
2161s wide field of targets you would just
2163s quick cast it but if you were interested
2164s in aing a specific smaller pack it'd be
2168s more efficient for you to do The Charge
2173s cast very cool so if I have to I have to
2176s hold the charge to completion to get the
2178s additional um damage value
2181s essentially yes very cool now this is
2184s obviously a big point of
2186s feedback
2188s that I think people can provide um
2190s obviously uh there's a lot of
2193s interesting thoughts around um uh
2196s subjective of course uh around UI and
2198s decal elements that help to communicate
2201s kind of these AOE uh as Brian said this
2203s is obviously going to be a decal that is
2205s um only shown to the Caster uh not you
2208s know um shown across uh to multiple
2211s players um but what is the desire of uh
2215s our community when it comes to
2217s showcasing and demonstrating kind of the
2219s area of effect uh for certain types of
2220s spells do you want uh something um
2223s obviously this is done very elegantly I
2224s think Scott did this one as well um I
2227s think it looks great um but uh this is
2229s something that is a point of feedback
2231s that we want to collect from players as
2232s you guys get to kind of play through
2234s Alpha 2 uh and as you're seeing these
2236s these updates what do you enjoy most
2238s about conveying uh these area of effects
2241s and this isn't the only area of effect
2242s spell we have we also have air strike
2244s and we've seen air strike in the past as
2246s well uh but this one's received a little
2248s bit of uh TLC talk to me a little bit
2251s about that yeah um and just real quick
2254s the reason why you're hearing my voice a
2255s lot is is I'm the owner of the Ranger so
2258s I yeah I'm in charge of this this class
2262s so that that that's why I'm the one that
2264s that's why you hear my voice a lot
2265s anyways air strike we we gave this um we
2268s gave this an update we replace the
2270s particle effects cuz they were they were
2272s way too laggy um so yeah Scott again did
2276s a pass on these they look amazing um we
2278s also let you have air control with this
2281s so you can steer it while you're in the
2282s air and we we fine-tune the animation I
2286s believe uh Alex put in some time to make
2288s sure that um it's it's holding you only
2291s for the right amount it's not it's not
2293s grabbing you and locking you in place
2294s weirdly on Landing um we really polished
2296s up how it how it feels whenever you use
2298s it um so it's just really seamless and
2300s nice to use oh and and the effect that
2303s it's providing if you actually hit a
2305s target with it um it it does pretty big
2307s damage and also Roots the target so this
2309s is a really good skill whenever your
2311s tank pulls in a big pack of Monsters
2313s Just air strike over top of it lock it
2315s all down in place and then you and your
2316s Mages blow up the pack I think it looks
2320s great the animation changes that Alex
2321s did look awesome the additional
2323s functionality uh that you guys
2325s incorporated as part of controlling the
2327s air air movement I think is something
2329s that people are going to love
2331s um
2333s obviously uh air strike also is a uh
2337s significant uh mechanical benefit for
2340s the ranger because it's um uh in
2342s addition to damage is also a cc effect
2346s um talk to me a little bit about uh the
2348s CC that air strike conveys um and and
2351s what's its intended purpose like in
2353s combat I mean there's Mobility
2355s associated with it there's damage
2356s associated with it there's CC it's kind
2357s of a has a broad spectrum of effect
2360s conveyed yeah it it's a pretty powerful
2362s ability and has a long cool down because
2364s it's providing that wide spectrum of
2366s effect
2367s um the ranger is one of the most mobile
2369s classes um it's it's second to the Rogue
2372s only so this is part of how we're
2374s providing that Mobility benefit and yeah
2376s whenever you hit targets they're rooted
2377s in place they cannot move um so it's
2380s it's very effective as as an escape tool
2382s but also uh the hard engage tool that
2385s kind of puts you at risk but if you got
2386s a tank and the cleric at your back maybe
2388s that's the right calculus for your play
2392s absolutely um all right cool let us try
2397s thundering shot talk to me a little bit
2399s about thundering
2400s shot yeah this is definitely a a
2404s favorite ability on the team by a lot of
2406s people um it shoots a lightning Arrow at
2408s the Target and if you're far enough away
2411s I believe the conversion range is 10 m
2413s it does an additional AOE explosion
2415s around the target ooh okay so that did
2418s 96 let's see if I'm
2421s closer
2423s oh okay so it does variable amount of
2425s damage and also changes it
2428s to to be around the target mhm yeah so
2432s so you get more damage um we wanted to
2435s have some abilities in the kit uh at
2438s least with the Showcase that we're
2439s showing right now where it's range Focus
2441s where there's there is some Advantage
2442s for staying at range and also there's
2445s some Advantage for closing on a ranger
2447s yeah absolutely very cool um next up we
2450s have another lightning ability but this
2452s one's called lightning reload talk to me
2454s a little bit about lightning reload shap
2458s sure um this one's more of a self buff
2461s effect uh when you put it on yourself um
2464s it will allow you to use one of a a few
2468s abilities without um spinning its cool
2470s down so I believe a couple of them are
2472s like snip head shot thundering shot ones
2474s we've already been through okay uh if
2476s you pop that first uh you get about a
2479s 5-second window and if you use one of
2481s those abilities within that window um it
2482s will not trigger the CD meaning you
2484s could use it twice back to back um you
2486s you can also even use something that's
2488s already on cool down by popping that
2490s first so it's not like you have to
2491s already have it available so you can use
2493s it in a lot of pinches so this is
2495s another concurrent Channel effect that I
2496s can that I can use Brian what are some
2498s of the cool combos with this yeah one of
2501s my one of my favorite ones um is the
2504s triple headshot combo so if a Target is
2507s marked um head shot on them has 50%
2510s reduced cool down if you're spec for it
2513s so what you can do is you can Mark
2515s someone you can head shot and as as
2517s you're charging up the first head shot
2519s throw a mark and then whenever the head
2521s shot hits you lightning reload and then
2523s you get two more head shot right after
2525s that and it makes a really nasty combo
2527s for finishing off an a Target that's
2529s already below 50% health because you're
2531s getting that bonus damage on headshot to
2533s at that point which makes its uh
2535s efficiency per second higher than snipe
2538s okay so with Mark of the
2541s Raven um okay which one gives
2545s the Mark benefit you were talking about
2548s for head
2549s shot oh any of the marks will do it um
2552s any of the marks will provide a 50%
2554s reduce cool down on head shot all right
2556s and I currently have hunt physical
2558s penetration but we've already
2562s determined that you don't have enough
2566s physical mitigation so let us
2570s do um hunt of the
2574s tiger and let us apply my mark of the
2577s bear on
2579s you um while we're casting three so it's
2582s going to be three shift four and then
2585s you said lightning reload and three
2587s twice more yes should I start with snipe
2591s first yeah you can do that okay so snipe
2594s to three while doing Mark of the bear
2598s all right let's try that I'm going to
2600s need some heals
2602s strad
2605s really
2614s oh but you know what I did that with the
2615s coold down set to uh yeah set to nothing
2618s oh no hold on let me set that back to
2621s Once okay so this is the normal coold
2623s down
2623s frequency okay oh not representative of
2626s real gameplay correct yes yes yes all
2629s right let's try that again I'm going to
2630s do the mark of the bar all right here we
2635s go
2643s ooh okay very cool that was awesome yeah
2647s it feels pretty crisp but yeah if Keenan
2649s was below half Health there he would
2651s have take I mean he might have died oh
2653s my God Keenan not with me as his healer
2656s I I know you're too
2658s good all right let me set cool Down's
2660s back uh let me Max by
2663s Mana okay we've showed off um lightning
2667s reload next up I have bear trap talk to
2670s me a little bit about bear
2672s trap yes bear trap um so we went through
2675s a couple iterations on this we want we
2677s wanted a very solid trap ability it's
2679s right in the name but often in games
2681s they're either too small they activate
2683s Too Short they're just not or they don't
2685s last long enough there's there's lots of
2686s ways for a trap to suck um and we think
2688s we got bear trap in a decent spot where
2691s it's pretty usable uh you can pre- them
2693s on the ground um they last for I believe
2695s 30s seconds after you place them so it's
2698s a very strategic ability allowing for
2701s Zone control um you can place these in
2704s between you and and a hostile Target and
2706s and kite them into it you can make like
2708s a little trap wall in front of you so
2710s that if if people are are closing on you
2713s and or rather you're setting up a gank
2715s and you you want to set that up
2717s beforehand so whenever there's a
2718s Counterattack you're already prepared
2719s for it very it definitely benefits that
2722s strategically minded player very nice
2724s that looks that that that feels great
2727s can I hit my own bear trap no I'm just
2728s kidding no thankfully I hope not but if
2731s I did I'd have Call of the Wild um yes
2734s uh yeah maybe we should just show that
2735s one
2737s yeah maybe what is called wild do it is
2741s a cc break and a movement buff so if you
2745s get hit with a nasty stun or something
2747s you can just break out of it and run
2751s away oo that was cool I love the effects
2754s that's that looked awesome
2757s wait let's try that one more time so I'm
2760s running along give me a stun uh I gotta
2762s wait for this cool down try with the
2763s Trap
2764s something all
2767s right hold on yeah but the ranger is a
2770s fairly fragile class overall so if they
2773s get a stun on them and it doesn't get
2775s cleansed and here I'll I'll do it again
2777s they'd be very
2781s nasty ooh that was good that's great
2786s yeah of our archetypes will have their
2788s own versions of uh CC breaks just cuz
2791s you know that that is one of the things
2793s where you know players want answers to
2795s those kinds of situations and um that'll
2798s be part of your spec choice right is
2799s like how much do you want to build into
2801s your ability to resist and break CC
2804s versus um just be like a a raw glass
2807s Cannon um and accepting those risks um
2810s that that all factors into like the
2811s decision making when it comes to uh
2814s specs yeah one of the pillars that we're
2816s trying to build Combat on top of is
2818s giving players the the true feeling of
2820s agency like they're really in control of
2822s their character and what happens to
2823s their character rather than just
2825s watching stuff happen to their character
2826s that they have no impact
2830s on oh feels so good Kenan come over here
2834s let me uh let me try this next ability
2838s reigning
2840s death I love the name of that by the
2844s way feels like a uh
2847s perfect like band name for a heavy metal
2851s group yeah like a Slayer song I
2856s know all right cool so reigning death is
2860s also using a Caster side targeting decal
2862s so again only the Caster is seeing that
2864s targeting decal I mean that that allows
2867s them to line it up a little bit better
2868s and make sure they're hitting the
2869s targets that they want to hit um and
2871s another thing to note is we are making
2873s the spread of projectiles a little more
2875s um even and and dense so yeah as you
2879s notice there's some spots in the decal
2881s that don't look like they're getting hit
2883s they are actually getting hit because of
2885s this this homing arot tech there there's
2887s actually a hit box that's being drawn
2889s there and every Target within that hit
2891s box is is getting a homing Arrow fired
2893s at it actually two homing arrows fired
2895s at it so it's it is hitting stuff even
2898s though it might not look like it right
2900s now we're going to improve that a little
2902s bit
2904s more and Scatter shot has a little bit
2906s of the same thing going on where where
2908s the spread's not really perfect but yeah
2910s that's that's currently in progress with
2911s our VFX artist to make it a little bit
2913s better yeah it's it's a good
2914s representation of like where we've we've
2918s been trying to find a balance between
2920s making these abilities feel organic and
2923s not super like templated to use but at
2926s the same time at the end of the day like
2928s game play is the name of the game and we
2931s want these things to be reliable um and
2934s consistent both from
2937s um the users and oh well that you're
2940s taking advantage of the fact that I'm
2944s talking he just he just turned into
2947s expected that from you he just turned
2950s into it's okay I resed him oh that was
2953s so good that was so good that was little
2956s Ash loot piles on the
2957s ground I forgot what saying that was a
2961s great effect I think SAA worked on
2963s worked on excuse me
2967s I think SAA worked on that as well as
2968s the snipe um reauthor as well um but
2972s yeah yeah go ahead reigning death is a
2975s is an example where we we iterate on
2977s these abilities multiple times and
2979s sometimes it requires a complete rebuild
2981s this is I think the third complete
2983s rebuild of that ability cuz the previous
2986s versions just weren't good enough for
2987s our players um they were they were more
2989s direct fire projectile based which is is
2992s pretty cool cuz you you see there's a
2995s direct connection between the projectile
2996s and dealing damage but we found a
2998s solution where we can we can simulate uh
3002s the appearance of all the projectiles
3003s hitting and then we can also have a
3005s homing volume underneath that so it's
3008s it's very reliable while also looking
3011s super out of Mana sorry Keenan oh no
3015s Keenan oh no oh he's corrupted look at
3018s that oh did I turn corrupt oh I got to
3022s take advantage of it oh no no no wait a
3025s minute wait I no cool down you pissed
3027s off the clar how did the clar how did I
3029s go
3030s corrupt um by killing an innocent
3039s player oh we did
3041s it okay wait don't kill me don't kill me
3044s let me get back to what I was doing all
3047s right sorry so see step's a good player
3051s guys yay how dare you just because I
3054s show at a lower APM so everyone can see
3057s the Fidelity of the effects and the
3060s gameplay around the environment and the
3063s NPCs doesn't mean I don't have a little
3065s bit of uh what is it called
3068s juice what's just called a dark side
3070s what is it called the juice box I can't
3072s remember yeah yeah all right so we
3074s showed off a little bit of the um uh the
3077s bear claw I mean the bear trap the um
3080s Call of the Wild we went through
3081s lightning reload uh and thundering shot
3084s we talked about the marks uh and the
3086s different hunts that exist um we have
3089s disengage to
3090s show yes uh
3093s disengage uh whenever you don't have you
3096s only have the ability um and you haven't
3098s unlocked any of the passives involved
3099s with disengage uh it'll shoot you right
3101s back whenever you press it so it's
3104s really good for creating space between
3106s you and some targets that are charging
3107s at you you just hit disengage and you'll
3110s flip back all right let me try that
3113s now
3114s go and yeah like Steven's demonstrating
3117s you can also use it for
3120s traversal um something that we learned
3123s with disengage though is people have
3126s different preferences for how they want
3128s this ability to activate there there's
3129s some people who've played a lot of
3131s Ranger who just like you know what I
3133s don't want to have to spin my my camera
3136s around to press
3137s disengage um and to to be able to go
3140s forward I just want it to go forward
3142s when I press the button so we made this
3144s uh omnidirectional engage option which
3147s cost zero skill points yeah that's
3149s awesome but in the future that'll be
3150s kind of an ability uh option that you
3153s can choose right not not necessarily
3155s through a passive effect um right that's
3157s the intent correct yes that that is the
3160s intent uh we still need to do some work
3162s on how we're going to like display that
3164s to the player to make sure it's it's as
3166s apparent as a spec option right cuz
3167s that's very apparent that you have that
3169s choice um it can often be lame in games
3171s whenever had a m Max is all in the
3174s options menu but but we're going to to
3175s make sure that that's nice and clean for
3177s our players and it's very apparent the
3179s options that they have available to them
3181s um but yeah whenever you have the
3182s omnidirectional option engage now
3184s whenever you're pressing a movement key
3186s uh disengage will send you in that
3188s direction instead of straight back very
3191s cool very cool all right and then last
3194s but not least and then we'll go up to
3195s the uh to the environment and just kind
3197s of play together a little bit is the
3200s imbu ammo talk to me about imbu
3203s Ammo yep so ammo um whenever you cast it
3207s it'll imbue your next currently they're
3209s set up to imbue your next 10 shots and
3211s this will probably go through another
3212s iteration but currently in abuse your
3214s next 10 shots with a special effect so
3217s we've got weighted ammo concussive ammo
3219s and Barbed ammo right now we're probably
3221s going to add more in the future uh these
3222s are ammo imbus so you're imbuing your
3225s next 10 shots with this effect uh
3227s weighted ammunition is a snaring effect
3230s Barbed is a bleed effect and concussive
3234s is a stagger effect
3236s stagger reduces accuracy and evasion
3239s nice okay and it also uh increases trip
3241s duration go ahead Keenan try just kind
3244s of running down this path and let me do
3247s some uh weighted
3252s shots another element of detail that I I
3255s I really like that you were down for
3257s going for stevenh was it actually
3259s changing the appearance of the
3261s ammunition whenever you're firing it yes
3263s absolutely um so when you Lo up weighted
3266s shot it will actually swap your your
3268s bullets that you're fir not bullets your
3270s your arrows that you're firing to look
3273s the part um and it swaps currently it
3276s swaps over both basic attacks and
3280s barrage
3282s nice very cool yeah if you want to cast
3284s your ammo and then cast barrage you can
3287s show that off let's do it let me do um
3290s [Music]
3291s probably let's do weighted as you're
3294s running again let's try that
3305s that's so cool very cool all right let
3308s me set my cool Downs to something that's
3310s representative of real game play
3312s although I have far more abilities than
3314s I should at level seven but that's okay
3316s and I will join your party now oh no if
3320s we can even invite you no you can you
3321s can I'm only corrupted I mean I'm not
3323s like a monster come on now true true uh
3326s now you might however flag when you heal
3328s me but you know that's
3330s okay we'll see what do we got over
3335s here oh I love that that's awesome my uh
3340s my
3344s oops oh
3348s wow the uh the snipe followed the Target
3353s that was
3354s crazy
3356s oh yeah there's a little bit of uh aim
3358s offset there in animation that we did
3361s yeah that looks
3362s great quite a few of the bow abilities
3365s do it actually it's just a lot more
3367s obvious with
3369s snipe MH yeah head shot's another one it
3371s as long as it's within a certain angle
3374s um it it will try to maintain tracking
3376s of the
3378s target uh and yeah the the way that we
3381s pulled it off it's not like uh affecting
3383s your control rotation at all it's just
3385s appearance
3390s thing oh feels good feels very
3398s good yeah it it did not feel this good a
3402s while ago um I I really want to give
3405s credit to our play testing process this
3407s was in a a much rougher State a couple
3408s months ago
3410s absolutely but yeah we we get in we get
3413s in the game we we play test it the same
3415s way that the players will be play
3417s testing it to make sure that it's going
3418s to be awesome absolutely I think one of
3420s the great team great things that your
3421s team has has done is you've really
3425s defined your iterative Loop right and
3428s and obviously the most important aspect
3431s of that Loop is going to be the play
3432s testing
3433s aspect which you guys play test I mean I
3436s think every day right with uh with NPC
3439s team and the world team um in helping to
3442s Define obviously not just the player
3444s character and the abilities you guys are
3446s offering but also the playable space and
3449s the playable enemies um that you're
3451s encountering as part of this of this
3453s whole
3455s thing yeah I mean it's important to note
3457s even when we're not in official plates
3458s us like when we're building these things
3460s we make it um a key point to be playing
3464s the stuff as we're building it um like
3466s the designers aren't just making stuff
3468s on paper and handing it off like we
3470s we're in the tools we're building these
3471s things and and we're in a game
3473s environment um and it's I think part of
3475s the reason that these things um come
3478s together so nicely is we can we can like
3480s build them in real time and play them in
3482s real time as we do
3484s so yeah I mean it is will help guys oh
3488s wait hold on I'm just taking in the view
3489s a little bit over here because it is a
3492s beautiful view it is definitely
3495s beautiful um and I I love all the
3498s verticality on our Maps but it it has
3501s definitely forced us to make abilities
3503s in a better way um if if we just had
3506s flat Arenas like every other game it
3508s would it would be way easier to to make
3510s all this stuff but that's why we were
3512s forced to make the the cool homing uh
3514s hitbox Tech that both scattershot and
3516s raining death are using because we're
3518s play testing in in the environment we're
3520s figuring out what works or what dozen
3521s and then we're we're adjusting and
3522s building new stuff to
3528s fit oh it feels so
3530s good love the combat with this
3534s Ranger and obviously we have a big
3536s showcase next month with regards to PVP
3539s uh in a more raid format um and you guys
3542s are going to be seeing some changes that
3544s are done to the Mage effects as well
3549s yeah Scott's working on that now my God
3552s uh Scott and SAA I believe are both
3554s working on the Mage next so that'll be
3557s very exciting to see that get another
3558s pass
3559s cuz man the Mage can really throw down
3561s the particle
3563s effects absolutely wow that was a big
3566s pull
3568s actually
3572s shredded I love this
3576s area and the mixture of uh creatures
3578s here is kind of
3580s interesting yeah I I I actually like the
3583s Raven has gone through a bunch of
3585s iterations but I I do like the current
3587s iteration of it it could be a little bit
3589s more deadly but I I I think it's
3591s fulfilling its role of like that that
3592s popcorn mob that's super annoying but
3594s you can you can kill it really fast if
3596s you focus it down then it will give you
3597s as many
3599s issues oh man you just one shot that
3602s just one shot that
3604s Raven by the way Stephen isn't that
3606s isn't that chart over there like kind
3609s more relevant which one oh good call
3611s yeah we should talk a little bit about
3613s this Zone um so this is a small point of
3616s interest within the riverlands uh area
3618s obviously we're in the river lands it is
3620s rter um and this particular location
3624s called the gem spring um is uh a Remnant
3629s A Shard remnant of one of the harbingers
3633s uh that broke off and um actually has
3636s begun some interesting interaction with
3639s Essence within this area so uh those of
3642s you guys who are going to be
3643s participating in Alpha 2 this will be a
3645s location where you're going to have some
3646s related quests and this gives you an
3648s idea about uh gem
3650s Springs oh we're here gem
3653s spring um which what he say should we
3655s just should we just do like a massive
3657s AOE oh gosh all right do you want to
3660s pull him
3664s yeah get it all get it all chains though
3667s I got AE down pull him back in get as
3669s many as you can oh my
3672s God yeah big chungus
3678s pull I'm going to go all the way
3683s around
3685s oh okay here they
3689s come okay okay where you at where you at
3692s they're right here oh they
3698s leashed okay we got some of
3701s [Music]
3703s them that wasn't bad that wasn't too bad
3707s fortunately these guys are just kind of
3709s slow little
3711s myelon let's take a look at their not
3714s the rap though the Ravens are
3730s quick oh they push you out of the
3743s way
3748s woo that was
3750s awesome we cleaned up this place that
3753s was very cool and really need to get
3755s some better gear my damage is terrible I
3758s wonder if there is something for us to
3760s discover up at the
3763s top should we go check it
3768s out
3773s yes his poor spider
3777s ERS wait that's a named M oh
3781s no oh no is it really
3787s yeah that's got like 2.5k Health all
3790s right it's just a bigger spider a minute
3793s like three times the normal spiders
3795s let's
3803s see
3807s no it is uh it has a lot of hit points
3810s here it really does I need a
3812s tank I'm trying my damage is just so
3822s bad get some you don't need a
3826s tank right for it oh there he
3833s goes I think we leashed him oh no kill
3838s him quick oh no kill him him kill him
3839s kill him kill him snare him
3844s oh oh no wow that's a classic moment
3848s right there all right let's let's take
3849s him down let's take him down come on now
3851s all right all
3863s deeps
3866s come on
3870s now switch to this
3876s one he doesn't hit that hard
3883s so got
3885s him we did
3887s it yay we have done it we have done the
3890s thing look at this
3893s View good God man it looks so
3899s good how do we climb up here where are
3901s you
3901s going I'm just getting a better view
3905s okay hold
3906s on this is nice yeah this is the carin's
3909s in the distance it's a familiar um point
3913s of Interest it looks
3916s beautiful holy over here
3920s where Over Yonder on the Rocks I'm
3923s coming I'm on my way
3925s oh what is
3928s that what is
3930s that it's a little sandal surprise left
3933s to us from our uh lovely environment
3935s artists it probably belongs to that
3937s spider back there no we found its nest
3941s it's sandal Nest we killed it and it had
3943s a sandal nest in in adoration to the to
3948s the Sandal
3951s wisdom this looks amazing oh I love it
3954s Tristan and the environment team must
3956s have done
3957s a an awesome job here some of these this
3960s I've never seen the sandal tree before
3962s that's new that's different I wonder if
3963s the wind speed affects it I see the sand
3967s it it does it really yeah it does oh
3970s that's so good that is so awesome oh is
3973s there like a little jump puzzle can you
3974s get up there you can I don't know if you
3976s can get on the big tree that looks
3978s awesome well guys thank you for joining
3981s me and show and showcasing all the hard
3984s work that you and the and the many
3986s members of the team have devoted to to
3989s obviously upgrading our basic weapon
3992s attacks the ranged weapons the uh Ranger
3995s Arch type um you know the zone is
3997s beautiful the monsters are cool
3999s everything is is shaping up very nicely
4001s as a great showcase for the end of the
4002s year and guys you're watching out there
4004s in the community obviously we do these
4006s so that we can get your feedback oh no
4009s okay we did it uh so we can get your
4011s feedback um on things that you saw today
4014s what did you think um looked great what
4017s what things would you change um this is
4019s look at that beautiful Creek down there
4021s my God what a great Winter
4023s Wonderland um so please make sure to
4026s participate in our forums uh on the
4029s social media YouTube video Everything
4032s talk to us about what you enjoyed today
4034s um and how you like the direction of the
4035s archetypes and the classes the combat
4037s how everything is going I know it means
4038s a lot to Brian Trad Keenan and everybody
4040s else on the combat team um for you guys
4042s to give your feedback um um Trad Brian
4046s Keenan thank you for joining me and
4049s showcasing all your guys' hard work this
4050s was great thanks for having me thank you
4053s absolutely guys we'll see you back on
4055s stream to close out
4058s 2023 bye everybody see you cheers
4065s [Music]
4070s bye welcome back everybody it seems like
4074s yall really enjoyed it so while we are
4078s answering your questions um Stephen's
4081s got that glare going he does really love
4083s when the sunbeams come in oh I'm sorry
4085s maybe I can fix that it's those giant
4088s Windows you have how about now now it's
4091s ruined your composition no I'm just oh
4094s it's okay um of course um we love seeing
4099s all oh sorry about the title here um we
4102s love seeing all of the Wonder ful
4104s comments in chat you all were very very
4107s happy so that makes us really happy our
4109s combat team has been killing it and I
4111s know that very nervous um well it's it's
4115s always a nervous thing to share your
4117s passion and your you know the work that
4119s the team has been has been putting into
4122s this right it's we're doing this because
4124s we want to hit a bar that is acceptable
4128s and will make our community proud and
4130s make us proud right as developers the
4132s reason we do this is because because we
4134s want to make people happy in in their
4136s choice of entertainment and we're all
4137s MMO Gamers but it's been very validating
4141s and positive to see you guys give us the
4144s response that hey you're going in the
4146s right direction right it may it may not
4148s be final it may not be fully polished
4151s they're still outstanding work to do
4153s obviously right but like hey each
4156s showcase after each showcase is an
4158s improvement is a positive direction that
4162s we get to yield from the the the
4165s feedback that you guys give us because
4167s you know as this is playing Margaret and
4169s I are like watching the chat we're we're
4171s collecting the questions we're we're
4173s we're evaluating what the commentary is
4177s and a lot of the stuff you guys say it's
4178s like hey this is already planned that's
4180s great that's perfect we're validating
4182s our approach it's a very it's a very
4184s positive interaction it's one that I'm
4186s glad to see has been adopted a bit more
4189s so over the recent years in the industry
4192s uh for game development as a whole which
4194s is to engage with the community at an
4196s earlier phase and this is the produce of
4199s that interaction right this is the this
4201s is what comes from that and so we're
4204s we're very happy to share it with you
4205s and we're glad to see your guys'
4206s response to it we're also really
4208s thankful uh there's been a lot of
4209s content creators who have been raing us
4210s today or watching simultaneously so this
4213s is for you guys thank you all we really
4215s appreciate it I know in the moment we
4216s don't always have time to like divert
4218s and uh say thank you there um a lot we
4221s are trying to power through to ensure
4223s that we don't take up people's time too
4225s much I was I was on on asmin bald's
4229s stream watch I mean asmin asmin Gold
4231s Stream watching um the uh the their
4234s community over there uh in their
4236s commentary and it seemed very positive
4237s as well I loved it it was uh it was
4240s great to see a broader audience than
4241s just our golden cohort here on the
4243s stream um with some positive reception
4247s uh that was it was very very good to see
4249s yeah um of course like Stephen said uh
4253s vnar and Roan have been collecting
4255s questions as well as we've been adding
4256s some um so we're going to try to get
4260s through some of them we won't get
4261s through a ton of questions because we'll
4262s be here all day if we answer everything
4264s but we'll try to power through as many
4265s as we can um I do want to reiterate at
4268s the beginning Stephen did mention that
4269s he didn't have the cool Downs active um
4272s so that he could show the abilities more
4274s frequently um so just again reminder of
4277s that the first question here is what
4279s kind of utility abilities will Rangers
4282s have because that's something that we
4283s didn't really showcase there for sure um
4286s and before I get to the utility question
4287s I just want to say um as you guys watch
4290s these demonstrations particularly prior
4293s to our Alpha 2 and even during Alpha 2
4295s like balance is not something we really
4299s dive into at all during this phase right
4302s we we obviously do a finger in the wind
4304s pass on balance but um balance requires
4307s a lot of logging and data from play
4310s testing that is the goal of Alpha 2
4314s um but if you see things like cool Downs
4317s like damage numbers um you know those
4320s things are very subject to
4322s change and things like that absolutely
4325s and it's very easy to tune those things
4327s so just keep that in mind as we move
4329s into Alpha 2 the difference between data
4332s and uh you know creating a whole anation
4334s or a whole yeah you
4337s know V effect and stuff like that
4339s they're just trying to get the look and
4340s feel down and then the data side of it
4343s is is something that
4345s and you'll see a lot of CH beta as we
4347s get into phase where we're poling and
4350s fixing bugs and making that we're in a
4351s state where we're like hey now we're
4353s balancing and we'll make that clear to
4354s you all like hey we want balance
4356s feedback right now we're not asking for
4358s that absolutely some of the some of the
4360s utility skills that we think about um
4362s when we design the archetypes um you
4365s know are how they counter and react to
4368s other archetypes so for example you know
4371s a ranger is is we think about that class
4374s fantasy of perception right a ranger is
4376s kind of in the outskirts they're they're
4377s keeping their range they're watching
4379s what's happening um and they have good
4381s perception so when we think about
4382s utilities some of the examples of those
4384s utilities might be a rogue has
4385s invincibility excuse me invisibility how
4388s do you um address invisibility well a
4391s ranger might have a utility ability that
4393s spawns a Hound uh that Trails invisible
4396s targets within an AOE radius of the
4399s Ranger um and you get that location
4401s whereas a mage might have an Arcane eye
4403s that actually reveals them to the party
4405s of the raid like those are the types of
4407s utility skills that we want to create
4410s they offer counters and horizontal
4413s progression against the other Arch type
4415s abilities that give them certain types
4417s of benefits and that's how you create
4419s that rock paper scissor type of
4421s interaction between the classes so that
4423s there's not you know you you there's
4425s always going to be a meta but you chip
4426s away at the relevancy of that meta when
4429s metas are highly situational and utility
4431s spells are the responses to situational
4435s interactions what about I think in the
4437s past we had shown like uh where Rangers
4440s could track people yeah that this would
4443s be a form of that tracking absolutely
4445s yep um the next one was can you stack
4448s your
4450s marks uh right now marks are not
4453s intended to be stacked right now marks
4455s will over I believe marks will is this
4457s still the case marks will override the
4459s previously applied Mark um and and the
4462s benefit of that is like we're not
4464s outscaling the mark efficacy uh too much
4466s by allowing them to stack it gives us
4468s more power to place on each individual
4470s Mark when we know that um they'll be
4473s replaced if you use them so they're very
4475s uh they're very unique to kind of the
4476s situation that you need the mark for uh
4478s but you can quickly kind of swap between
4480s them the next one is tank has resolv
4483s cleric has divine power what does Ranger
4487s have that's a very good question it is
4489s the interaction between the Hunts and
4491s the marks um uh that is something that
4493s we're going to be um focusing in on a
4496s little bit more um right now that is
4498s still something that the combat team is
4500s working on for the ranger
4501s class and then we have would one of the
4504s skill tree selections allow for a
4506s targeting reticle to be
4509s used um yes as a matter of fact uh there
4512s was a slight bug with the um action
4516s camera mode for this particular display
4518s and we didn't have time to fix it in
4519s time Brian was using action whenever he
4522s was doing a practice I know I know and I
4524s and I tried using action in the first uh
4527s attempt at this recording and it bugged
4529s out for us and and I we didn't have time
4531s to fix it so um uh we went ahead without
4534s that but uh to answer your question uh
4536s will these abilities the question was
4538s Will these abilities work with action
4540s camera is that the question yeah uh no
4543s it well it's would one of the skill tree
4546s selections allow for a targeting reticle
4549s to be
4550s used um so targeting reticle is applied
4553s when when you swap to the action camera
4555s mode um so that wouldn't be a part of
4557s the skill tree selection it would just
4558s be an option that you can switch to by
4560s pressing Z currently um that that that
4562s uses a soft lock system for the
4564s targeting reticle I think the followup
4566s here would be uh especially for folks
4567s who really like ranged uh stuff is being
4570s able to customize your reticle oh sure
4573s yeah absolutely from a UI perspective
4575s just customizing the reticle out shape
4577s absolutely there will be a number of
4578s different retical types that you can use
4580s get on it kby and Co they they already
4583s have a few actually
4584s theying uh next up we've got what's the
4588s counterplay that a melee archetype has
4590s against a ranger how can you avoid being
4593s killed by the targeted shots yeah it
4596s depends on the melee right if we're
4597s talking about fighter they're going to
4599s have a lot of heavy Gap closers they can
4601s probably be a little bit more liberal in
4603s the use of their Gap closers because
4604s they have so many of them uh versus
4607s let's say a ranger that needs to choose
4610s when to use their escape uh abilities
4613s because they have fewer of them um the
4615s same would be true for a Melee character
4617s like a rogue their approach Vector is
4619s going to be more stealth driven than it
4621s would be perhaps let's say from a gap
4622s closer perspective um so they're going
4624s to stealth into position um and then
4627s that's where you're you're tracking your
4628s ability use um uh for your getaway
4631s abilities and then is there and then and
4634s then real quick the other thing is
4635s lockdowns as well right melee users are
4638s likely going to have um a number of
4639s different cc's to choose from whether
4641s that be uh slowing the target rooting
4643s the target stunning the target um and
4645s then those allow them to get off their
4646s Combos and and yes Rangers can do it
4649s like once but what you saw from uh the
4651s reason why it looked like Stephen could
4653s do it unlimited was because he didn't
4655s have cool downs but there is a cool down
4656s on it so yeah he might be able to get
4658s away from one of them but let's say you
4660s put another one on them then you know
4662s you're they're kind of
4664s so um the next question out of luck yeah
4669s and then we've got is there going to be
4673s spell push back when being hit and if so
4677s will the fast shooting short bow punish
4679s cast barmore so if you're shooting
4683s really fast will it push back casters no
4686s um there is not just a native push back
4689s that exists for ranged attacks some
4691s attacks do have push back effects um and
4695s uh also casters can experience a delay
4698s in their cast time due to concentration
4701s failures um so concentration is a stat
4704s that's associated with one of our
4705s primary attributes being um uh uh a
4709s derivative waterfall uh for
4711s concentration checks when concentration
4713s fails due to damage that's done um it is
4716s it is going to increase that casting
4718s time slightly uh it won't interrupt it
4720s completely but it will increase the
4721s casting time but push back is not a
4723s native effect that lives on any
4725s particular type of attack it is
4726s something that is accompanying a
4728s specific
4729s ability all right and then why did you
4732s move away from Air arrows being
4735s projectiles um arrows are still
4738s projectiles yeah I'm not sure where they
4740s came from that arrows are I think maybe
4742s what they're referring to um is more on
4744s the action side um so when we when we
4747s refer to uh projectiles we're talking
4750s about you know hit scan verse
4751s projectiles we are still using
4753s projectiles um but we are using a
4756s locking mechanism in tab targeting um
4758s for those projectiles to home to the
4760s Target uh should you have a valid angle
4762s uh in that perspective the action side
4765s of that is that you can blindfire
4768s projectiles and should a Target move
4770s within the line of attack that the
4772s projectile is moving in a great example
4774s of this uh is the uh orb ball that is
4777s lightning um which is kind of moving
4779s forward you don't necessarily have to
4781s have a Target to aim that at you just
4782s move that slowly as it moves through the
4784s path if another Target moves and you're
4786s leading that Target um it will strike
4788s the target so we have blindfire
4790s currently um we're still going to be
4791s doing some um some touching up with the
4794s action combat side prior to Alpha
4796s 2 um right now when you have your
4799s reticle over a Target it has a soft lock
4802s on the Target and you can you know
4803s rapidly move between that in action mode
4806s with the reticle uh if you wish um and
4809s then I think kind of a follow-up to this
4811s uh is if I'm a tank and I get in the way
4813s of a shot of a ranger yes I okay cool
4816s cool so you are able to like kind of
4818s block and there are certain and there
4820s are certain Battlefield abilities that
4821s you can use um won't be able to just
4824s body block it right not all projectiles
4826s can be body blocks some some potentially
4828s can um but there will be certain
4831s abilities and effects like a shield wall
4833s that can that can be brought up and that
4835s will obscure line of sight to the Target
4838s uh as well and it will restrict um some
4840s of those attacks from occurring fabulous
4843s um our next one here is if I use wands
4846s or swords as a ranger am I locked out of
4850s half of my kit because of the range
4853s abilities that are connected to a short
4855s bow or a long bow um so right now we are
4859s still kind of approaching how we want
4862s the character paper doll between ranged
4865s uh weapons uh bows or otherwise to exist
4869s um our thought process is is currently
4871s can I in one thing absolutely there's a
4873s lot of new people who are with us um and
4876s so people are like Rangers can't use
4877s wands the way that we have been building
4879s our product is that anybody can use any
4882s weapon any armor
4884s you may not always be viable in every
4885s situation but that is the case and then
4887s go ahead Stephen I just wanted to
4888s correct and just for those of you those
4891s of you who are new last month we did do
4892s a little showcase on Crafting which
4894s talks a little bit about itemization and
4896s how you can through certain recipes and
4899s material uses augment the types of stats
4902s that live on certain itemizations to be
4905s relevant uh across all the different
4907s archetypes right so there is a bit of
4909s choice when it comes to players that
4911s craft these items on whether or not they
4913s they want to have physical damage values
4915s versus magical damage values um and that
4917s leads to a very competitive healthy open
4920s market uh which is something that is
4922s integral to ashes of creation uh but as
4924s it relates to to Rangers being able to
4927s use um certain abilities with bows
4929s equipped some abilities will require
4931s bows to be equipped um and those
4933s abilities uh um uh can be used with a
4937s bow and not without bows and for those
4940s of you who are newer to how we have our
4942s CL classes setup is that you have a
4944s primary archetype and a secondary
4946s archetype and that secondary archetype
4948s um can really dive into other things
4950s like maybe you're Ranger but you're a
4952s Summoner secondary or you're a ranger
4954s and you're a mage secondary and that
4956s might be more viable for carrying a wand
4959s versus having bow so I'm just trying to
4960s give some perspective on that correct
4962s yeah there's a lot of a lot of
4963s customization options right your primary
4966s archetype is the delivery vehicle for
4968s your active abilities your secondary
4970s archetype augments those active
4972s abilities into something else but
4973s doesn't give you new active abilities
4975s right and so that's something very
4976s important to keep in mind correct um and
4980s then people did see this in there but uh
4983s I think reiterating to make it clear uh
4985s they were wondering can you move while
4987s casting all of the Ranger abilities not
4990s all of them some of them root the target
4992s uh for example snipe is one that does uh
4994s restrict your ability to move um but the
4998s vast majority yes you can move now there
5000s is a slight movement penalty that's
5002s applied for a lot of those abilities uh
5004s the ones that can move but for the most
5006s part yes this is a very mobile uh Arc
5009s Type approach and of course um you know
5013s the the locking down of making you not
5015s be able to move while you're casting
5017s certain abilities is a is a balancing
5019s Factor right so that's yeah something
5022s that the development and design team can
5024s work on to be like o okay this is very
5026s powerful so maybe it isn't something you
5028s can do while you're moving so kind of
5030s keeping that in mind they'll balance it
5031s to make sure that it makes sense for the
5033s type of ability and kind of what type of
5035s damage or whatever its effects are for
5038s sure so uh Ju Just to just to dial in a
5041s little bit there abilities are vehicles
5044s for conferring effects onto a Target
5046s right and um as you were describing
5050s balance-wise there's a number of
5051s different interactions mechanically that
5053s you have within an ability that you can
5055s adjust uh in order to balance its power
5058s um the most most common ones are cool
5061s down Mana consumption Damage Done effect
5064s status conferred promotion of that
5066s effect status range um you know those
5069s are those are the kind of uh primary
5071s methods by which you just correct yes
5074s yes that's correct there's a lot of
5076s different there's a lot of there's a lot
5078s of different things that play into that
5080s but those are the primary mechanical
5082s constructs of a particular ability right
5084s um and so for example you were look we
5086s were talking about air strike how it
5088s confers a lot of different effects onto
5090s a Target being that it does damage being
5092s that it's used for Mobility being that
5093s it also applies a cc effect and so in
5096s order to balance that um you know not
5098s talking about specific numbers that it
5100s does or the length of the CC effect or
5102s the or the opposed stat check for that
5104s particular CC effect um and the Mana
5106s consumption it's also the the cooldown
5108s it's a very big ability with a large
5110s cooldown effect so you want to use it
5112s and manage your resources and those of
5114s you who are MMO players you know all
5115s this uh you want to manage your
5117s resources
5118s effectively all right and I think you're
5121s you're already talking about balance and
5123s maybe more specifically towards Ranger I
5126s think that generally the overwhelming
5128s everyone was really excited for the
5130s ranger they were they L seeing it they
5131s thought it was cool but there was
5133s definitely a mix of what people felt was
5137s uh not balanced so I don't know if you
5140s if you can go we already discussed that
5142s we're not in the balancing phase right
5143s now but perhaps you can talk a little
5145s bit about what our balancing process is
5148s for archetypes as an
5150s overall yeah I mean
5153s when we when we move into the balance
5156s phase right I just talked about the
5158s primary components that we use in order
5160s to um to get that initial balance pass
5163s uh but when we move into Alpha 2 and we
5165s have a lot of data that's kind of
5167s supporting the use of these particular
5169s abilities in combat settings how often
5172s they're used how often they result in
5173s death what the average Damage Done by
5175s this archetype is comparatively to other
5177s Damage Done by different archetypes all
5179s of that data gets logged right and all
5182s of that data gets queried in order for
5184s us to refine the abilities um so that
5188s they live in the environment we want
5191s them to now that's not to mean that
5194s we're going to have you know a perfect
5197s balance across the board between the
5198s archetypes again we're taking a rock
5201s paper scissor approach to balance which
5203s means that some archetypes will do
5205s better against other archetypes and vice
5206s versa and we're also not creating an
5209s environment where we want to have one V1
5212s balance we are focused around group
5214s balance group composition group
5216s composition is important right we're not
5218s creating a highly competitive game that
5221s might be a valerant or a League of
5222s Legends right this is an mmor RPG which
5225s means that there are going to be certain
5226s classes that perform better than other
5228s classes in certain situations and that's
5230s part of the grand strategy right that is
5233s that is something we want people to
5234s think about compositionally when they
5236s arrange their groups and their raids for
5238s the particular content that they're
5240s facing um now we have not done a balance
5243s pass yet right and we haven't used the
5246s metrics we need in order to create that
5248s that more acceptable balance for hitting
5250s the target we want to hit for these
5252s particular archetypes so when you're
5253s looking at this you should be looking at
5256s it with the lens of does this look fun
5259s does this look like something I want to
5261s play not is that damage number too high
5265s is that attack speed too high is that
5267s cool down too low you know that is
5270s something that we will address but not
5272s now now and when we do address it we
5275s will get that feedback correct exactly
5277s yes when we do have people play testing
5280s and involved in the alphas 2 and betas
5283s that is when we will ask those questions
5286s and accompany it with
5288s data exactly all right now that we got
5291s that out of the way a reminder that like
5294s Stephen said as you're watching this as
5296s you're as you're looking at it really
5298s think about the look and feel think
5300s about the things that you liked the
5301s things that you don't like think that
5302s you'd like to see uh that the ranger
5304s might have in the future uh and head on
5306s over to our forums and give us some
5308s feedback over there uh I believe acner
5310s already has the Forum thread up so
5313s please please please I implore you if
5314s you have thoughts if you're a ranged
5316s lover um or if you fight Rangers often
5319s in PvP and you have thoughts in regards
5321s to that go over there and toss us your
5323s feedback we'll be compiling that and and
5325s handing that over to the devs in the new
5327s year so please please please head on
5329s over there we would love for your
5330s feedback our team is very adamant about
5332s about reviewing feedback and looking
5334s over it and making sure that we're all
5336s headed in the right direction but
5337s definitely from looking at the chat I
5339s think everybody is really enjoying it so
5341s that's a good feeling there's lot of
5343s good vibes going on in chat in our in
5345s our internal slack right now yeah one
5348s thing one thing I want to say is that
5349s look we have this isn't the uh um let me
5354s say it like this from a while ago we
5357s have known that we needed to improve our
5360s approach on combat and if you think
5362s about what we just talked about about
5364s those testing scenarios and the
5366s information we need to improve combat
5368s and balance that was true in alpha one
5371s and we got a lot of great feedback from
5373s alpha 1 and it was that feedback that
5376s has led us to this approach you see now
5379s as the result of that feedback and our
5382s hard work particularly on the combat
5384s team iterating over time to improve the
5387s combat Loop now when we see the response
5391s from the community initially to this
5393s combat we are seeing hey this looks good
5397s right and so that that helps us validate
5400s okay we took the feedback from the
5402s testing we changed our approach we
5405s iterated upon it and now we're
5406s delivering something that visually looks
5408s compelling to our audience right that is
5411s a perfect Loop of iteration
5413s incorporating the the community as part
5416s of their uh uh responsibility to provide
5419s us feedback because nobody wants to see
5421s a game get launched that hasn't had the
5424s opportunity to collect feedback from the
5426s players we've seen those games before
5428s right and that's what this interaction
5430s right now our monthly development update
5432s is intended to safeguard against and so
5434s I just want to give kudos to the combat
5436s team because um in my opinion uh having
5439s played this and watched this and seen
5441s the community's response to it they've
5442s done a great job they have done a great
5444s job in in moving away from what was our
5447s Direction prior to Alpha 1 to now having
5450s uh developed for Alpha 2 uh a
5453s significantly revamped combat experience
5455s and I think it feels good and it plays
5456s well and it's fun even just internally
5459s uh I mean we don't talk about this all
5460s the time but it kind of goes right into
5462s moving into our studio update which is
5464s what we're going to talk about next um
5466s you know we are continually iterating
5468s our internal processes and they've been
5470s really finding a good uh like you said
5473s um rotation in regards to the process
5475s internally of how they create abilities
5477s and how they create archetypes um and
5480s weapons and things of that sort so
5482s is like Brian said in the Stream it is a
5485s team effort you know there may be one
5487s person whose head is on the line for one
5491s thing or the other but the single ring
5492s neck yes but in the end everyone has
5495s it's a collaborative effort to make
5497s these things come to to come together
5498s abut our development team is oh my gosh
5502s wonderful passionate people and that
5504s goes to show in our when we're looking
5507s at attrition rate over the years uh you
5510s know industry standard is is like over
5513s 20 30% right and we're at 2. 3 3 3% or
5517s something like that yeah it's pretty
5519s good so people who come here really
5521s enjoy working here um and you know
5523s sometimes things change in people's
5525s lives and they come and go and that is
5526s pretty normal but we're under and just
5528s to just to comment a little bit about
5530s that as we go into the studio update um
5533s for those of you who are watching who
5535s may not be as actively engaged in the
5537s development process of Ashes um what I
5540s will say is that where we were prior to
5542s alpha 1 and where we are today are two
5544s very different um positions right um we
5547s are now at over 170 people full-time on
5551s the team developers who are creating
5553s ashes of creation um and you know we
5556s have seen over the course of this last
5558s year significant progress uh from a
5561s development perspective uh for ashes of
5564s creation and it's it's I mean as you
5566s guys can see through these updates it is
5568s starting to to look and feel pretty good
5570s and and there is still aot long road to
5572s go um so what I would say is that those
5576s of you who are finding it hard to be
5578s patient for the for the games release um
5581s that's understandable 100% but we have a
5584s very clear objective we have a very
5586s clear goal and that is to create
5588s something special and um you know the
5591s timeline for something special is is
5593s hard to Define you you can't put a time
5596s box around finding fun right um and
5599s sometimes when games or Publishers try
5600s to do that um it it doesn't end well and
5604s so we want to make sure because we have
5605s spent the better part of the last seven
5607s years developing ashes of creation um
5610s that we execute on it well and that
5613s takes some time and it takes some that
5615s front too I think people think like oh
5618s you've been in development for seven
5619s years but keep in mind the team was very
5621s small those first few years like if you
5623s have five or 10 people working on your
5625s staff you're not going to be able to
5626s accomplish as much as you are with 170
5629s so I just want to make that clear that
5630s only within the last couple years have
5632s we really grown our team a lot of the
5635s the previous was getting the foundation
5637s design making sure we're and to be fair
5640s that was in that's intentional right
5641s like when John and I started this studio
5644s um having not had a background in gaming
5647s something's happening oh did mine my
5650s frames die can you hear me okay no
5652s you're good I think it's something to do
5654s with twitch twitch all right how about
5657s how about now it's clearing up now we're
5660s good okay so
5662s what you know it's it's all good um what
5664s I was going to say is that having a
5665s struggle when John and I started this
5667s company back in um you know 2016 we had
5671s just a couple of people on the team I
5673s think Keith was our was a one of our
5675s senior character artists was the first
5677s was the first hired and and in 2017 you
5680s know we got up to maybe 20 people we
5682s aren't a blizzard or Microsoft or a you
5686s know a riot that has hundreds of people
5688s and and you know billions of dollars um
5691s to spend on development right this is
5693s this is out of uh our pockets and out of
5697s um uh the the the pre-order packs that
5700s we've done combined are creating this
5702s game and so we built the studio in a
5704s very sustainable fashion right and
5706s exactly yes and Kickstarter we bu yes we
5710s we built the uh this the studio in a
5712s very sustainable fashion um with a very
5714s clear goal and vision that we have stuck
5716s to over the years and um you know as
5719s we're wrapping up 2023 and in December
5722s we look back on those things and
5723s obviously you know break coming up is is
5725s always a very introspective time um I'm
5728s very proud of what this team has
5730s accomplished and and what the company
5731s has grown to become because we've kept
5733s our identity in that time being very
5735s passionate MMORPG Gamers creating
5738s something that we've always wanted to
5739s see in a game and and one that upholds
5741s to this non-pay to- win philosophy who
5744s who believes in the Integrity of the
5745s player in the community that's
5747s participating in ashes of creation so
5749s you know there is something special
5751s there I think think that is unique about
5753s Intrepid um and you guys are seeing that
5755s shine through as we give you these
5756s development updates we understand that
5759s everything's going to move super quickly
5761s but we will we will make good on
5763s everything that we're we're doing so
5765s just making sure that you have patience
5766s with us I think we've all seen games
5769s that have been pushed out quickly and
5770s we're like wow they really should have
5772s taken more time but a lot of those
5773s companies have a lot of pressure to to
5775s push things absolutely we are fortunate
5778s Stephen stepen is the only one who can
5780s pressure us so if he's like get it done
5782s we're like all right man I get pressure
5785s I get pressure but just just to comment
5787s on that what I would say is that um um
5791s you know I lost my thought
5794s there I'm sorry I lost my thought yes
5797s you distract to me on the pressure sorry
5799s sorry in regards to uh taking our time
5801s and making sure that we have quality
5802s product yeah no absolutely I mean that
5805s is very true um I know here's what I'm
5807s here's what I was going to say is that
5809s look what we are trying to do do which
5812s is to create a community focused
5815s feedback loop for our development
5817s process in creating a non-pay towin game
5820s that that Champions the inte Integrity
5823s of the player and with the intricate
5825s detailed systems and interconnectivity
5827s that ashes provides in a very sandbox
5829s environment where you can actually see
5831s not just hear buzzwords of the
5833s environment reacting to the actions of
5835s the players that should be something
5837s that everyone roots for everyone in this
5841s industry and in this in the community of
5843s MMORPG Gamers should be rooting for the
5846s success of projects like ours because
5849s Innovation only occurs when Risk Takers
5852s move forward to achieve something that
5855s is important and and whenever you see a
5859s community that comes back and is
5861s negative about the Outlook or the or the
5863s prospects of a particular uh project
5866s it's fair to give criticisms it's fair
5868s to talk about things that should change
5870s we want that that's why we engage with
5872s the community um but at the end of the
5875s day we should be rooting for the success
5878s of people who dare to take risks because
5880s risks are how things change and how we
5883s get a better environment for the MMORPGs
5885s that we love and you know I get a lot of
5889s messages like are you worried about this
5890s or that product and it's like no there's
5892s room for everybody there's room for live
5893s games there's lots of people there's
5895s lots of games so it we are friends with
5897s a lot of the people who make other games
5900s so absolutely I think that from our
5902s perspective it's a it's a community we
5904s are all a community creating games and
5906s creating uh wonderful memories for
5909s people and places for people to to grow
5911s and have have their own sub communities
5914s so 100% we are here for that and uh
5916s there's no uh hard feelings in regards
5919s to that no no not at all anything else
5922s you want to talk about in the studio
5923s side I know there's been a lot going on
5925s and obviously this is the end of the
5927s year to recap the year um you know
5930s obviously you know we just yeah you know
5933s we we've been we've been having some
5934s great luck on the hiring front um
5936s obviously you know my heart goes out to
5939s the industry right now it's a difficult
5940s time within within the gam indust off
5943s like right before Christmas too uh it's
5945s it's terrible to see and and it and it
5947s literally tears apart my heart to watch
5950s some of these very talented developers
5952s through no fault of their own have to
5954s suffer a layoff particularly at this
5956s time of year and and I know that the
5957s industry will bounce back um but we have
5959s had some we've had some great success
5961s and bringing on some amazing talent to
5964s the team uh over the course of these
5965s last few months uh we just celebrated um
5968s the end of this Milestone uh we're going
5970s on break starting on Friday and we'll be
5972s returning on January 2nd we watched uh
5975s we we got together and rented out the
5977s theater here and watched Willy Wonka
5979s with our families and and the uh and the
5982s developers that was a lot of fun I did
5984s not I did not know was a musical I'm not
5987s necessarily a fan of musicals but I
5988s thought it was great you know I I
5990s enjoyed it it was fun I looked across
5992s the room when the first song started and
5994s I said oh I didn't know that but uh
5997s regardless we had a lot of fun and um
5999s you know we're just kind of winding down
6001s the year it's a lot of lot of head fires
6002s right now with h getting some of our uh
6005s playable builds over the over the week
6007s that we want to have available um but
6009s the team has been has been just killing
6011s it so kudos to the team everyone at
6013s Intrepid that's watching a great job
6015s this year I mean it was could could get
6017s some if you're watching us live here on
6019s Twitch uh giving us some heart in chat
6021s for our wonderful development team I'm
6023s sure appreciate that and then of course
6025s if you're watching us over on YouTube
6027s you can toss some hearts in there as
6028s well in the comments we would love that
6030s and um you know we just appreciate you
6032s guys we hope that you appreciate us we
6034s try to give as much love and and
6037s knowledge to you all so you know the
6039s community team's going to kill me
6040s because I just made you guys spam so oh
6043s sorry in advance um but whilst we're
6045s getting all those hearts in chat we can
6047s continue them for the love of the art uh
6049s if you don't mind us moving moving on to
6051s that St yeah absolutely um so first and
6054s foremost we have a whole slew of weapons
6057s that we're going to be showing off for
6058s you guys including books wands focuses
6061s scepter daggers Spears uh B
6065s bows uh Shields swords uh so I'll kind
6069s of let this Loop through so you can see
6071s all of the cool things there's a whole
6072s set of novice items that they've been
6074s working towards as well as uh I believe
6077s the sons of Fortune set and a few other
6080s little in pieces here but really we're
6083s working on making sure that when you're
6085s leveling up from Level 1 through 15 that
6087s you have a lot of cool things that you
6088s can craft as well as things that you can
6090s attain through you know defeating
6093s creatures and stuff like that so uh
6095s they're really honing in on that level
6097s one through 15 experience when it comes
6099s to loot drops and crafting items I don't
6101s know if you have anything else to add on
6103s that front Stephen no it's just uh you
6105s know we' we've been very heads down for
6108s the better part of this year focusing on
6110s the uh feature development of a lot of
6112s the the gameplay systems and and over
6115s the course of the last few months we've
6116s been gearing up obviously towards Alpha
6118s 2 which you'll be getting a little bit
6119s of announcement here in a second um and
6122s focusing on the progression path you
6124s know from level one all the way up to uh
6127s level 30 I believe we we're targeting
6130s for um Alpha 2 so uh it's been nice to
6133s kind of see some of the lower level
6134s stuff getting some TLC uh but also the
6137s the character progression as well and
6139s and I think the artists have done a
6141s great job with a lot of these uh weapons
6143s yeah and obviously as you level up
6145s further there will be more crazy cool
6147s looking stuff so uh just kind of um you
6151s know showing you a little tidbits we
6152s don't like to we don't want to show you
6154s everything but give you a little bit um
6156s and I also have that mace in a little
6158s turntable as well for those of you Mace
6161s lovers out there I'm I'm a big mace fan
6164s that's like a cleric SL Paladin so it's
6168s pretty cool um yeah I love that maze
6172s looks great the next one we have is the
6175s this is a work in progress but you know
6177s we like to share some work in progress
6178s stuff uh so the next one is the remnant
6181s sympathizer outfit uh this is the part
6184s of the last pack um like I said it's
6186s work in progress there will be particle
6188s effects and things of that sort there's
6190s still finalizing things but you can kind
6192s of see where it's headed um it's cool
6194s for me cuz I designed this set so seeing
6196s it in a 3D space always gets me excited
6200s um but but yeah they've been killing it
6204s um Danny Danny's been doing a good good
6206s job making it come to 3D life and then I
6209s think we have a turntable of this as
6210s well so you can see
6213s that looks very good looking
6217s cool a little metal head in me that's
6219s where this came from very dark I know a
6222s lot of people like how did this come out
6224s of
6224s her very dark it's the same place that
6227s the snores came out of the the Wisp W
6230s out of this weird m
6232s uh next we have the goblin Shaman that
6235s jincy's been working on which is very
6237s very cool you'll be definitely seeing
6241s this bad boy in Alpha
6243s 2 3D model oh look at him a he's just
6248s ready to Flay Some
6251s Humans it's
6253s fine but I love the mask I really hope
6256s that the mask and the staff are
6258s droppable items because I think people
6260s will love rock let me know in chat if
6262s you would rock that mask cuz ABS I would
6265s rock it I would rock the mask in real
6268s life too if we get some cosplay we need
6270s that as a a mask item and that staff too
6274s it's so cool um I'd like to walk into a
6277s conference room with that mask
6278s on I'm here for
6281s it oh you know how like they have the
6283s speaking sticks or something like that
6284s you just have a speaking mask everywhere
6287s yes uh we used to do that at my
6290s pathfinder table when we we were like
6291s like younger in high school because
6293s otherwise everyone would talk over each
6294s other so we had like uh we had funny
6297s hats so if you wearing funny hat that
6298s meant you were like in character so you
6300s had to like so you knew who was trying
6302s to like get stuff happening versus not
6304s because we had 13 people so it was a lot
6307s um you had 13 people in your high school
6309s yeah well 13 people in our high school
6311s like D and D gam class oh in D and D
6313s game oh okay okay I was like wait a
6315s minute cuz we played on Sundays after
6317s church it was it was fun though oh as
6319s you do after church very nice
6321s [Laughter]
6324s the devil's work I know that's what they
6326s said to us is like we're doing that oh
6328s no back in that day back in the 90s when
6330s people thought you know we were doing
6332s bad things um but yeah great job Chris
6334s Danny jiny Manny and Priscilla killing
6337s it we always love seeing yourself so
6339s thank you for sharing it I know
6340s sometimes they're working on stuff and
6342s they're like I don't want to share it
6343s yet but we get to see a lot of amazing
6345s artwork from these guys and girls um so
6348s I'm glad we get to share a little bit of
6350s it you see tons more in Alpha so uh
6354s moving on to
6356s Q&A all right all right we'll play some
6358s more videos uh or we'll play the Ranger
6360s stuff while we're doing Q&A and may
6362s maybe we just do Q&A for the next 10
6364s minutes all right does that sound good
6366s yep and then we can do the announce yep
6368s we'll do the announce all right let's do
6369s it thing that everyone's been waiting
6371s for oh my goodness uh Kronos storm water
6374s wants to know about General respecing I
6376s know we've talked about this topic
6377s before but they're being very particular
6379s we've talked about when it comes to
6380s Artis ship but now they're asking what
6382s are your plans for the wider respecing
6384s landscape of Ashes of creation will it
6386s be easy or difficult and will there be a
6388s cost involved with General respecing so
6391s I think this is more an archetype
6393s specific I know we've talked about it in
6394s other aspects before yeah um it's going
6398s to be more difficult in artisanship um
6400s from an archetype perspective as it
6402s relates to skills it will be a bit
6404s easier um I I I am still conflicted on
6407s whether or not I want to allow resps on
6409s the Fly I don't believe we should I
6411s believe that respecing should be done at
6412s a particular location that requires a
6414s bit of Transit um and some uh strategy
6417s strategic thinking ahead of time about
6419s the encounters that you're expecting um
6421s but respecing your class should be
6423s relatively easier um uh obviously with
6427s that constraint of being at a particular
6429s location all right and then we've got
6432s sweaty Cup this name uh wants to know
6435s about artifacts if a player collects a
6437s one per server item but stops playing
6440s the or uh playing this or stops paying
6442s their subscription or quits playing the
6444s game will they get to keep the item till
6447s they
6448s return um it depends it depends on the
6452s item um if we're talking about artifacts
6454s those will likely uh be um timed um
6459s there are some ideas that we have around
6462s uh whether or not artifacts um get to
6465s stay with the character uh um get
6468s downgraded from an artifact status uh if
6471s they were to let's say not log in after
6473s a period of time or if that time period
6474s goes away uh but it's something we're
6476s going to be testing as part of um uh the
6478s end of Alpha 2 near excuse me near the
6480s later stages of Alpha 2 um but right now
6483s artifacts are timed yeah and for those
6486s of you who are new uh artifacts are
6488s really really rare items that you can
6491s single items yeah they are only there's
6493s only one of them on the server um so at
6496s a time correct yeah yeah very very very
6498s cool the next one is uh VR Dynasty I
6502s believe or ver Dynasty they want to know
6504s about crafting recipes with the map
6507s being as large as it is and recipes
6508s being potentially earned anywhere are
6510s there region specific recipes that would
6512s be very hard to find if not impossible
6515s to earn on the other side of Vera so
6518s will there be rare absolutely there are
6520s absolutely extremely rare recipes um and
6523s not just having rare recipes but also
6525s there are rare unlocks that exist within
6527s the recipe as well as we talked about
6529s last month that you can discover um
6532s recipes uh get delivered in a number of
6535s different ways through vendors through
6537s social organizations uh through
6539s religions through drops through bosses
6543s um and it kind of uh through treas
6545s Treasures as well and a lot of those can
6548s be locationally dependent so um yes
6550s there are recipes in certain areas that
6553s you can find that you will not find in
6554s other areas as well look I tried to get
6556s a wolf mount the other day and that
6558s thing is complicated too so
6561s whatever there's there's many things
6563s that will be at the end of it you will
6564s feel very satisfied that you did put the
6566s effort in to get it uh the next one is
6569s Raven 06 who wants to know about
6571s crafting how many grandmas level
6574s crafting stations can a node stage five
6576s AKA City node
6579s have um right now I believe so grandmas
6583s station at stage five I believe that
6586s there can be one grandmas station at
6589s stage five and that there can be two at
6591s stage six okay yeah I thought it was two
6594s the Metropolis but I'm not sure
6596s yeah uh tyrol wants to know about
6599s Universal skills will each archetype be
6602s equally efficient with universal skills
6604s like dodging and active blocking or will
6607s uh each of them kind of have their own
6609s versions and flavors or will some people
6611s be more powerful than others yeah right
6613s now we have a host of different
6614s Universal skills um that is uh um uh
6619s rolling uh active block um and what we
6622s want to do is um we want to provide a
6626s progression path that's shared for those
6628s Universal skills across all the
6630s archetypes so when you spend skill
6632s points you can choose to spend them
6634s within the universal skill set and
6637s unlock uh uh particular ability types
6639s for the universal skills as well uh but
6642s you will be spending them from the skill
6643s points that you would normally spend uh
6645s within your class specific skill tree
6647s and this offers again a different wheel
6649s of customization that I think is
6652s interesting and then liner wants to know
6654s about node artisanship benefits we know
6656s that the best processing is done in
6658s freeholds and the best crafting is done
6660s in nodes but is that restricted to
6662s academic nodes only what benefits or
6665s restrictions do node types have in
6667s regards to crafting um there are no
6669s restrictions as it relates to the best
6672s crafting meaning access to those
6673s crafting stations however the academic
6675s or scientific nodes um those those
6679s provide bonuses
6680s and uh strengths towards crafting within
6684s the node right so it's not a hard
6685s lockout it's a soft bonus
6688s system okay and then Gaul wanted about
6691s World building is it correct that
6693s Intrepid Studios is building the Western
6695s continent first and then the Eastern
6696s continent is coming afterwards or is
6698s that not the right way to think about
6700s the game's direction of
6702s development no that that is accurate we
6704s are focused on the western continent
6706s first um and uh I don't know how you got
6710s that information I'm just kidding um yes
6713s and then talking about the areas I think
6715s they can I know anybody can read map we
6718s are focused on the western continent
6720s right now that is accurate yes uh top
6723s wants to know about AOE abilities is the
6725s impact of an area effect offensive or
6728s defensive limited to a number of targets
6731s or by an
6733s area um currently our diminishing return
6735s approach um is is not to restrict the
6741s number of targets that can uh be
6744s affected by a particular thing we do
6746s have player Collision so in and of
6748s itself that provides a limited quantity
6751s of of individuals who can be affected by
6753s uh area of effect spells um we're going
6756s to be play testing and and experimenting
6758s with a few different uh diminishing
6760s return approaches uh as it relates to
6762s AOE abilities uh as well as status
6765s conditions all right and as I wrap up
6768s these last two questions I think we're
6769s going to be able to answer them in time
6770s uh I don't know if uh vagnar or Roshan
6773s want to get a poll in chat I'm just
6774s curious what quarter everyone thinks
6776s next year we'll go in Alpha 2 we'll see
6779s if it where it matches up against what
6781s the announce is um so the next question
6783s here is from kadak and they want to know
6785s about Gathering if another player is
6787s gathering a tree and I come in for the
6790s final chop do I get the
6792s tree if you come in and you so it
6795s depends on who completes the Gathering
6797s interaction first um so so if they've
6801s begun and uh and you come in and you
6804s have a faster um Gathering uh uh time
6808s because of either your profession
6810s experience the tool you're using the
6812s upgrades you've chosen or the outfit
6814s you're wearing uh you could conceivably
6816s completed before them um but again it is
6819s awarded to the first player to complete
6822s all right and then our last question
6823s here is from cash quests and they want
6825s to know about range attacks can Stephen
6827s elaborate further on why the minimum
6829s distance required was removed for the
6832s Rangers ranged attacks this came from a
6836s you on Discord sure um so to give
6839s greater context there uh originally when
6842s I was thinking about the ranger I had
6843s thought about introducing a minimum
6846s range uh
6848s requirement um in order to offset its uh
6852s flexibility in combat and having them
6855s think a little bit more strategically
6856s about positioning on the battlefield um
6858s that became an unfund experience when we
6861s play tested it um and so we decided to
6863s remove it uh instead we may choose to
6866s play around with things like uh range
6869s too too close of range affecting
6871s something maybe like accuracy we haven't
6873s play tested with that um or we just
6875s might not incorporate it and instead let
6877s it live within the abilities you saw an
6879s example of that with regards to the
6881s lightning uh um ability uh having
6884s variable uh effects conferred at
6887s different ranges uh that right now is
6889s the approach that we're taking and with
6892s that we ready for our little announce
6895s should I just play it I think I think
6897s well before we play it let me I mean
6900s maybe we yeah maybe we we can play it or
6903s no let me oh let me talk about this for
6905s a second I know we're gonna have some
6906s thoughts afterwards that we need to okay
6908s I want everyone I want everyone in the
6909s audience to breathe with me we're just
6912s gonna we're just gonna breathe in wait
6915s hold that was out okay breathe out now
6917s bre and then breathe out um I want you
6921s to understand those of you who are
6923s watching those of you who might not be
6924s watching and following the project as
6926s much as as as others in our
6929s community um this is a long time coming
6932s Alpha 2 is a major testing period for
6936s the product for the game um and it is
6939s intended to be um uh something that
6943s provides us with a great amount of
6945s wealth of information and iterative
6947s processing that we can then go back and
6949s touch on certain systems combat
6951s everything right um
6955s now there we are going to give you our
6958s projection according to our schedule
6960s that we believe that we are going to hit
6961s Alpha 2 um but we are going to be we
6964s have already begun testing we're going
6966s to be continuing testing over the course
6968s of the remainder of December January
6970s February March we are going to be
6972s testing a lot uh over the course of the
6974s next several months um sometimes that
6977s testing can prove to set us back a
6979s little bit um hopefully that is not the
6982s case we are still we are very far ahead
6984s of a lot of the more nebulous questions
6986s from a development perspective um so we
6988s feel really good about it um uh but I
6991s want you to take um obviously what we're
6994s announced with Alpha 2 with a grain of
6996s salt right this is not a game that we're
6999s launching in Alpha 2 this is truly a
7002s testing environment this is something
7004s that if you are considering purchasing
7006s Alpha 2 um that you should make sure you
7010s understand this is not a game experience
7013s this is a testing platform um those of
7016s you who are in pi and and who um were
7019s previous Alpha One testers um you know
7022s it's going to be it's going to be a lot
7023s of spot testing it's going to be a lot
7025s of preparation for Alpha 2 um and it's
7027s going to be uh a lot of work essentially
7030s right to want to log in and and play
7032s through wipes multiple times potentially
7034s before we get to Alpha 2 there may be
7036s wipes in Alpha 2 right we can't
7038s accurately predict that so we are very
7040s excited about Alpha 2 at the studio very
7043s excited about Alpha 2 because it is a
7046s large segment of the game and in a
7048s pretty sizable portion of the world um
7052s and it is going to be a major test bed
7054s for us to validate the interactions of
7056s all of these systems that we've built um
7059s and it's going to be an exciting time
7060s where we're going to have a lot of fun
7061s doing it and so with that I think that
7065s we can show when we expect Alpha 2 to
7068s land which quarter in
7073s [Music]
7086s 2024 all right there you have it quarter
7090s three we are going to see you all on
7092s Vera we are very excited and like
7094s Stephen said we are doing some testing
7096s internally already I know we mentioned
7098s last I think Stephen said we're already
7100s spot testing and that got people I got
7102s some people riled up cuz they're like
7104s I'm not there um so to kind of reiterate
7107s right now we are doing internal testing
7108s we're going to be expanding that to Pi
7110s they are the first people who get in and
7112s then we'll be expanding that further and
7114s further as we get further along as we
7116s get closer to that quarter 3 Mark all of
7118s the testing prior to that quarter 3 Mark
7120s will be under NDA unless we say
7122s otherwise so keeping that in mind you
7124s won't hear conversation about it because
7126s we won't be talking about it people who
7128s are testing should not be talking about
7129s it cuz it's not in a state that we're
7130s ready to share but once we are in
7132s quarter three once we are uh ready to
7135s announce the date we'll probably
7136s announce it before so you'll you'll know
7138s the dates so you can plan um and of
7140s course we'll be reaching out to those of
7141s you who have Alpha 2 access um in
7144s advance as well so you'll get messaging
7145s you'll be notified make sure that you
7147s have your email available that you don't
7149s have us going to your spam so you don't
7151s miss it but we'll also make note of this
7153s on all our social hey emails have gone
7154s out um so if you are an alpha 2 access
7159s uh person
7160s stay tuned we will be reaching out to
7162s you later as we get closer to quarter 3
7164s um and yeah just want to make sure that
7166s that's clear because I think it got
7167s people we got a lot of Cs tickets that
7169s were like I don't I don't have access
7171s yet and I was like no not yet and
7173s Confused people a little bit we will be
7175s very we will be very um uh proactive
7178s with exactly proactive with the uh with
7180s the messaging guys as Margaret said keep
7182s an eye out uh on emails um we'll be
7185s sending out information as those testing
7187s dates draw near yeah and I I think there
7190s were some questions that people had uh I
7192s think we clarified the the first bit of
7193s it and then the second bit of it was um
7196s the persistency of Alpha 2 and what that
7198s looks like I think some people think
7200s persistence means 24/7 up forever um
7203s yeah there will there will absolutely be
7205s downtimes 100% right again this is a
7207s this is a testing bet and when those
7210s downtimes need to happen or those wipes
7212s need to occur we're going to do what's
7214s best for the product not for the
7215s experience in Alpha 2 and that's a very
7217s clear distinguishment between what to
7219s expect when we launch the game which is
7221s all about the player experience versus
7223s the development process that is Alpha 2
7226s so it's very important to understand
7228s that dichotomy and the goal is to
7231s eventually have our Alpha uh
7234s to that stream to end up being our uh
7238s like PTR test test test realm down the
7241s line so um it will kind of run
7244s simultaneously through the other ones
7245s but of course still downtime there will
7246s be downtime it's not going to be 247
7248s always I just wanted to make sure that
7250s that was clear to folks because that I
7252s have been seeing a lot of discussion
7254s going around about that uh once we are
7256s in Alpha 2 that will no longer have an
7258s NDA um so then you'll be able to stream
7261s and share and screenshot and talk about
7263s it but prior to that
7265s remember keep it secret keep it safe sh
7267s keep it safe I like that good um
7272s anything else you want to add on that
7273s friends no just excited and happy to be
7276s here with you guys excited for the end
7278s of the year excited for next year it's
7280s going to be a fun time and uh things are
7282s moving fast yeah we hope that you all um
7286s are able to stay safe and you can spend
7289s time with those you love during this
7290s holiday season I know not everybody has
7292s that opportunity but you know we do have
7294s community space over here you can come
7296s hang out with us for the holidays we are
7298s at ashes of creation all the places the
7300s YouTube video for the 4K version is up
7302s the full development update video will
7304s go up tomorrow pending you know YouTube
7306s wants to cooperate and twitch wants to
7307s cooperate uh please head on over to our
7310s forums we are always engaging you with
7313s feedback or asking you for feedback um
7316s you can head on to forums.
7317s ashesofcreation
7318s docomo Rarities up right now give us
7321s your feedback on that and of course the
7323s ranger archetype we would love to hear
7324s your thoughts on that um reminder that
7327s the Unseen order Cosmetics are going to
7329s be ending January 17th so that is your
7332s last chance to get a pre-order pack or
7333s your friends do um we may extend you
7336s know other opportunities to purchase
7338s into Alpha 2 access but there will no
7340s longer be pre-order packs available so
7343s just keeping that in mind that and that
7344s is a that is a big point I want to make
7346s sure for and and we'll send me messaging
7348s out as well but we have given multiple
7351s months now of notice that we'll be
7353s ending the pre-order packages come
7355s January 17th this is not intended to be
7357s a fomo like I said we gave multiple
7359s months of notice we may be opening up
7362s Alpha 2 access in a different form at
7364s some point in the future closer to Alpha
7366s 2 if we can service those users correct
7368s and that's that's dependent on internal
7370s testing it's dependent on the external
7372s testing that we're doing as well um that
7374s is going to help inform that decision
7376s but res it stands now we will be ending
7379s pre-order packages January 17th across
7381s everything whether it be beta or
7384s Alpha and then of course we would love
7386s to thank you all for tuning in thank you
7388s so much for all the raids and people who
7390s are watching from their other channels
7391s we really appreciate that that you're
7393s sharing the the world of Vera with other
7395s people and sharing the love for ashes of
7397s creation we really really appreciate
7399s that um and of course thank you to all
7401s of you who are watching and joining us
7403s and sticking with us throughout this
7405s entire very long live stream um and of
7408s course is this another two-hour live
7410s stream yeah I think me and you also had
7413s a lot of side conversations but I feel
7415s like wrapping up the year we we don't
7417s want to rush it right absolutely um
7420s thank you to Trad and Brian and Keenan
7422s for your work and joining us for a
7423s showcase and showcasing the ranger in a
7425s great way and of course Stephen for your
7427s time and we hope that you all are going
7430s to be just as excited as us in the new
7432s year because we'll see you then I'm
7434s going to be married next time I'm oh my
7437s goodness I am so excited I cannot wait
7440s John and I are ready to go we got our
7442s flight ready and everything yay I'm so
7445s excited um so yeah not only have we been
7448s wrapping up the year I've also been
7449s planning a wedding so it's been crazy
7450s time for me um but we'll see you all
7453s next month for another development
7455s update merry Christmas happy New Year
7457s bye guys
7459s [Music]
7470s sh