over 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | all right I apologize little buddy |
2s | you've got a good long life you did have |
5s | a good long life happy life on the farm |
7s | and now oh God go to sleep |
10s | now oh we got the hide in the meat |
13s | but it's oh that's sad is it it's just |
15s | sleeping is it tired that was intense |
17s | yeah yeah yeah for sure it's sleepy yeah |
20s | don't worry let's go uh yeah nothing to |
22s | see here |
24s | sorry little piglets oh no not the |
27s | piglets okay no good care of you oh let |
30s | them let them live a little bit of a |
32s | life today you'll become big and then |
33s | we'll uh oh okay |
36s | so guys that's a that's a great point of |
39s | player feedback talk to us a little bit |
40s | about how real slash immersive do you |
43s | want it to be or do you prefer that uh |
45s | perhaps the pigs don't die but rather |
47s | they just go to sleep |
49s | um that's that's a good question I think |
51s | for for a lot of people to give their |
53s | thoughts on |