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From what I've understood AOC's music will feature in beta. As we all can probably guess, that's quite a wait.

I thought it would be really cool if any of the development updates could give us some sort of preview of the music in Ashes.

There is a big emphasis on artwork, armor sets, tools and other physical things in the game. However, apart from who is composing, we haven't heard much about the musical progress.

For me it's always been one of the most important aspects of any MMO. Even though we are years off release, it would be so amazing to get a snippet of music from Ashes.

I've no idea how long it would actually take to compose for a game of this magnitude. Maybe there's no set music before all zones are done for example.

What's your thoughts?

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about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Current music that people have heard is placeholder.

To confirm what u/silent-scorn said, we're working with Bear McCreary for our official music. We know music matters to our players, and we're excited to share more when it's ready :)

about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Pickadoliver

And to reiterate: you did not rule out that it will in fact be ready this friday ;)

The current plan is to have the official Ashes of Creation music ready for Beta 1. Friday might be a little soon for us. 🙃