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Hello everyone,

as far as I understood, nodes will have to decide which building they want to build and therefore in which direction they want to specialise. There won't be enough space to build every building so there will be for example nodes that will specialise in armor-smithing while others will specialise in weapon-smithing.

So to my question : how this will affect group play? And could it affect group play negatively?

From my point of view (and I can be wrong here), since players can't teleport and have to choose the citizenship of only one node , big groups of friends will have to agree on which node to choose in order to play together . But this will mean that only a small portion of players will get what they want (the bonuses the node provides for their choosen profession) while others will be left empty handed or forced to change profession. Sure the left out players could just go to another node but it is not guaranteed that there will be another node near by that will provide the bonuses that they want. Further this would still separate friends by distance and make it harder to get all your friends together to run spontaneously a dungeon for example. Because of all this reasons it looks for me like node bonuses will act like something that will split group of friends apart or force players to choose professions that they are less satisfied with. And I know , letting players make important decisions in game is fun but I think it's not fun to choose between friends and how effective you can be in the game .

What's your opinion on that ?

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over 1 year ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

People won't need to be citizens of the same Node to play together, and there is a lot more Nodes can do with Service Buildings than just Artisanship Buildings.

Different play groups may find it easier to choose one Node to progress together, and other groups may have players with citizenship in different Nodes, to take advantage of a wider variety of perks.

One area of the game won't have everything players need or want to do, and we expect that most players will travel at least some of the time. Since traveling will be the norm, being citizens of different Nodes hopefully won't tear friendships apart.