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So, I was talking to a buddy of mine and got onto the discussion of aquatic races and why you never see them in MMO's. Would the ability of breathing underwater and swimming faster be too broken of a racial? I bring that up because that is the only reason to truly have the [aquatic] tag. Every MMO that has come out, no matter how big or small, never explored the concept of aquatic races. Are Merfolk truly so unpopular an idea as to test the waters, I don't think so. In my opinion Merfolk are a truly untapped gem worthy of being a consideration in AoC later down the line.
The ocean being confirmed to have its own variety of content I think just adds to how much FUN a Merfolk race can bring to the game. Imagine being a pirate Merfolk so you hire a bunch of Merfolk players with fast water mounts to ambush traders in route. Or maybe you can be a salvage crew that helps other players recover items lost at sea, for a fee of course. Who knows maybe the salvager hired the pirates for easy customers.The point is I and my buddy think that Merfolk should have a true consideration into becoming a race at some point. Let us know what ya'll think!

almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Lore-wise I see it as a problem to include an aquatic race which is on par with all the races we have now because supposedly all the races are made out of the ancient gods who split themselves up in tiny pieces thus creating all the races.

We still have some lore missing and some gods unrevealed so with new information we'll get to theorycraft more. It's hard to believe that all the gods split and not a single one of those gods wasn't a aquatic god. It's even harder to believe that if there was an aquatic god his splitting up would have created only the Nikua(I mention them because they are the closest to sea-related race we have right now).

This is a very interesting observation and idea (that's not me confirming it. I know about as much as you do when it comes to the lore ^_^) I wonder what other races the gods could've created?