Original Post — Direct link
Must *so* many abilities be cleaves? It is starting to seem very Guild Wars 2 like. Very casual. Everyone just mashing abilities in a chaotic pile. There should be significantly more single target abilities and attacks. This would make the game feel far more strategic than it's current state. It is a fantastic feeling to be fighting another player in the midst of a gigantic battle and actually being able to focus them down. It encourages players to plan their targets and communicate with each other to effectively and efficiently burn down priority targets. This is *especially* important in games with a Trinity... Where healers become priority targets, they also become a priority to keep alive in the interest of winning the larger battle. Please consider this. GW2 & WildStar both suffered immensely from having a billion AOE abilities and it makes the gameplay cluttered and dull - both for the players as well as people watching streams.
8 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Let's remember to be well unto one another :) ----- OP, are there any specific ability examples you (or anyone viewing the thread) would like to share regarding cleave, AoE, and your specific problems with them? For example, you could provide examples of abilities with cleave that you like or dislike, or perhaps specific examples from Ashes of Creation you wish worked differently and how/why.