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How much freedom will we be given as to how we look in AoC? Will you be able to "transmute" our gear into different appearances like in GW2 where you can use transmutation stones to make any article of your armor take on an appearance to that of another of which you've collected? Will we be able to decide how our armor looks on craft like in ESO? I ask this because I feel that allowing players to express themselves through this would increase engagement and allow for a wider variety of player driven goals, potentially leading to the satisfying of finally getting that look.

I want to glance at player and get a solid first impression of them. From how long they've played the game, their accomplishments, their wealth, or simply their great fashion sense. I want a fashion system where you will rarely, if ever, find two players who look just the same.

Now, I am entirely confident that the developers are already aware of players who take a particular interest in their character's looks. They are even basing their cash shop around it, but what I'm wondering just how far we can go with it. What options will we have to make our characters "pop" from the crowd? Will this be a game where you can agonize for hours trying to get a certain look? Any information would be appreciated.

about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! You can check out a bit more on where we've discussed the plans for our transmog system here, as well as more details on our planned dye system here.

As others have noted, while the costume cosmetics included in the Pre-Order Packs are full-body cosmetics that cover your whole outfit, there are also individual accessory cosmetics available that cover just one piece or another. Whether or not you will be able to dye a cosmetic costume or accessory would likely depend on the item itself!