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After some reading through this forum I stumbled up some interesting topics. I've seen it in a few posts now but the topic states the Action combat stance versus the Tab targeting stance.

For the ease of not having to type it out constantly I'll use the abbreviations: AC = Action Combat, TT = Tab Targeting & AoC = Ashes of Creation

As well as for the people who don't know what these types are, click here to go to the wiki page of Combat Targeting. At the right you'll see a video explaining the working of TT inside AoC

What I am most interested to hear is the following
> First of all what are your thoughts on this in general
> As well as what are your thoughts on this topic surrounding Ashes of Creation
> What you would suggest to another player and the way you would suggest this, like with what statements
> Have you played other MMO's that have this feature involved
> Do you prefer to use AC or TT

My take on it
I've played games that had both AC as well as TT. The first game (MMO) I played where I actually used it was Guild Wars 2. For the people who know or even played this game, I played an elementalist and used TT in World vs. World. Of course this would put you in other trouble like being limited to what you see or being vulnerable from behind.

My general thoughts on AC are this is superior. This is mainly because I am used to playing AC. I am down to try TT since it does look promising in this game after seeing the video where they introduced TT in AoC

If I had to suggest AC or TT to a NEW player I would say go AC since that is kind of the default. However if you are experienced with AC and you're down to play something new you should definately try TT at least once. It looks to me very promising inside AoC.

Generally speaking it doesn't matter what you choose. It is all up to personal preference. In recent MMO's that have it usually AC is in PVP terms better than TT. But maybe AoC will change this, I don't know. I am of the opinion tho that if one of the two needs to be better than the other it should be AC. Since this is the default that everyone knows, if they can balance it out perfectly fine then that would be optimal.
about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

I recall the DEVs saying a upcoming DEV Discussion was going to be on AC vs TT. I want to lay my thoughts out in great detail in that thread.

Indeed, our next Dev Discussion topic is slated to be right up this alley in terms of getting your thoughts on hybrid combat <3 we're looking forward to seeing all your detailed responses in the replies!