Original Post — Direct link
The animations we have seen so far seem really clunky and long. I know fighting is meant to take a long time and to be methodical but I think combat fails to account for how good the reflexes of an average player is. I think decreasing the length of animations and reducing the input delay inbetween abilities would significantly improve the feel combat. Allowing more movement during abilities would also help.

However I haven't played the alpha. What do you guys think? I know alot of people want to see combat to shift more towards wow and I can see the appeal but I think in general the dynamics and flow of combat looks really awkward and clunky. It's the same issue New World had.
about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya! As a few folks above have noted, some of your early feedback on skills you're seeing (such as those in the Mage video) have led to direct changes from our team. For example, here's a quote from Steven on Discord from shortly before the holiday break:

Steven: I've asked the anim team to replace the jump and twirl anim on fireball to a grounded anim

With our upcoming combat iterations, I would definitely expect to see more changes leading up to our future test phases :smiley: combat in general will certainly be something we ask for your thoughts on repeatedly as we continue to iterate!